The Last Monday of the Month!

Indeed! We are upon a Monday, 1 week before the goblins and ghouls will turn to the streets, chanting trick or treat! 

The weather has maintained mild, though the trees have mostly shed all of their lovely colored leaves. We camped in Sibley State Park this weekend and most of the trees were rather naked, with a few stands of birches blazing strong with bold, yet thinning, yellows. 

The map shows… 

PAST PEAK! Minus that Minneapolis & St. Paul are holding on to their colors, though by the end of the week they too may be in the past peak realm.

That doesn’t mean fall is at its end! (in fact it doesn’t actually end until December 20th!). Bare trees aren’t nearly as pretty as leaved trees, but pines will keep their colors and provide a fall into winter backdrop. Grasses are in golds, a perfect compliment to the golden hour of light. Fallen leaves are not only fun to jump into or kick about, but they provide a touch of color that reads fall. 

Sunset is around 6 pm for the rest of the month and a week after Halloween we hit the TIME CHANGE! We “fall back” an hour, which means sunset will now be few minutes shy of 5 pm! (And it continues to shorten, with sunset at 4:33  pm by the end of November!). 

Good to know when you’re looking to plan a session prior to the holiday season. Classically, your session will take place 1.5 hours prior to sunset. Which means by the end of November we’re meeting up at 3 pm to start your session!

Time will continue to decrease (December 5th to 14th we will be at our shortest days with sunset at 4:31 pm) until we hit the winter solstice and begin to gain light minutes by minutes. The end of December has gained 10 minutes of light! We start the new year with a sunset time of 4:41 pm!

If you do want to schedule a session for the fall / winter season there are limited dates available:


  • Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th / Last chance to get prints & products in time for Christmas!
  • Saturday November 27th & 28th **


  • Sunday 12th **
  • Winter Break! Monday 27th – Thursday the 30th


  • Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th
  • Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd


  • Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th
  • Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th


  • Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th
  • Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th
  • TIME CHANGE 14th! Weekday sessions resume!

(** = dates could change in availability according to winter markets & Atomic Collars!)

Today is: Sourest Day and National Greasy Food Day! 

Enjoy the week and the lovely weather to come! Stroll in the balmy weather, and spook out your house for Halloween. See you later this week!

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