Revamping & Pivoting – dog photography things for 2024

Egads, the last blog post was from Easter!

The weather warmed, the garden called. Happy plant shopping, adding diversity to gardens, digging up grass to add more gardens and chasing Blue out of them. His thoughts on gardening is trampling plants, peeing on plants, and digging a giant hole that relocates flowers. Quite helpful… 

Otherwise, the spring has held movements into pickleball and disc golf, an obsessive jaunt into finding & “clipping” vintage ice cream & sherbet recipes (it is a future cook book endeavor, there is plans on a doughnut one as well) as well as a solid batch of sewing for Atomic Collars while also creating medieval inspired collars (if you’re going to Ren Fest you need one!). 

And yes I’m still volunteering my photography skills at Tri County Humane Society every Tuesday! 


Though each of these busy things tended to keep me from blogging, marketing, taking pictures of Blue, and keeping About A Dog afloat. Which means I need to do things differently to serve you better. And do things differently so About A Dog lives into the future!

Which lands us at the revamp and pivot. 

What’s to come / be changed: 

  • less session options to pick from – now only Digital Dog Session & Teenie Weenie
    • Puppy Series Sessions on request (I am looking for puppy models!)
    • Teenie Weenie sessions are still limited edition events (they can’t be booked as a single session) but now are going to be located throughout the outdoors during the nice weather season. Locations will vary, stay in the bark for upcoming details for a summer set and when the fall set will occur!

  • a better tailored Welcome Packet (sent upon booking a session) – currently there are 1 billion options. A bit of overload methinks….

  • Dogs of the North Shore has turned into Dog’s Guide to the North Shore! EEEEEK!
    • Let’s get coordinated to make YOUR dog part of this epic book!
    • Tons of locations available – Gooseberry, Split Rock, WATERFALLS, beaches & shorelines and more!
    • If you have favorite places to visit from Duluth to Grand Marais along the North Shore, let me know! I want to make this guide quite in depth and available for purchase at various visitor centers along the route!
    • Sessions are $99 with a portion of the proceeds going to Ruff Start Rescue! Email cahlean@aboutadogphoto or text 320.428.0135 to coordinate your North Shore Session today! We can book for any time throughout now until October!
  • Alumni Sessions for Tri County Humane Society
    • details to come, summer & possibly fall sessions, special session pricing with a portion of the proceeds going to Tri County Humane Society! (And don’t worry, your dog doesn’t need to be an alum of TCHS to participate!)

  • Pop up shops for Atomic Collars in St. Cloud MN for the summer – follow on IG at @atomiccollar for all the details!

  • Teenie Weenie Sessions for the summer & fall
    • St. Cloud area & Twin Cities metro locations TBD, links when they are available will be sent to VIPs first! 
    • Keep an eye on social media for the formal date announcements!
    Book your fall session now and you’ll get a mega awesome perk. It could be a print credit, it could be a digital image or a mega cool one of a kind piece of artwork of your dog! (Perks available only for the month of June!)  Fall sessions aligned with fall leaf colors are mega limited, booking now ensures you get your spot!

  • 12 years in business! Birthday giveaways coming soon! Keep an eye on social media for details!

  • Consistent blogs – dog noms, training tips, more photography tips, TCHS adoptables, possibly some product videos, just generally more content (which may mean more pictures of Blue haha!). Weekly at a minimum. Feel free to suggest topics you want to pick my brain on!

    I’m looking for small dogs, big dogs, fuzzy dogs, unique dogs, rare breeds, crazy fast dogs, puppies, dogs with epic stories, epic people with epic dogs. Email or text me if you want to have your dog be a model. (Each dog model gets a complimentary session & 1 digital image.)

I look forward to year 12 of About A Dog Photography! Thank you a bazillion for your support and your continuing support.  I’m aiming to completely refocus my mental energy and forge forward. Every dog deserves EPIC photos! Let me help you achieve them!

Contact me via email: or via text (yes you can call too) 320.428.0135


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