Springtime with my Gang | Central MN

Spring is finally hitting us here in central Minnesota, which mean green grass, blooming trees and dandelions! I snagged Icey & Bender for a quick morning shoot. Bender is my toughest model as he typically has other things to look at vs me. And if he happens to look at me, his ears are back and he looks like a bald old man! On the other hand, Icey is super easy esp if some sort of food or treats is involved!


Since Axle is a bit of a goober, I tend to like to do silly pictures with him. Which means treat/ball face. And drool.  (Icey also joined in)


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Throwback: Milo, Maggie & Murphy | Sauk Rapids

Milo was the winner of the 500 Facebook Likes contest I had on my Facebook page. We waited for the weather to warm up so there would be no frozen tootsies. When it did finally warm up, he had his mom bring him, Maggie and Murphy out to a quaint park in Sauk Rapids for their session.

Note: even though it looks like the trio were running around naked, they were wearing collars and leashes so they would be safe and out of harm’s way. So if you’re worried that your pup isn’t good off leash, fear no more!

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Downtown – 52 Week Project | St. Cloud

This week’s theme was downtown. I live within walking distance to historic downtown St. Cloud, so I harnessed up Axle and snagged Icey and we walked downtown to capture some of our favorite photography spots.

There is a skyscraper downtown that is floor to roof glass and reflects the sky and clouds wonderfully!

We then wandered towards the cathedral and Catholic school.

The next point of interest is probably the most photographed alley in St. Cloud!

Then on to a small set of stairs with a cool door and an intricate railing.

On our journey homeward, we found a beautiful old house and a elegant old church.

The gang and I were solidly pooped out from the walk! Mild weather has eluded us and we have been trying to embrace every day it doesn’t rain! Next up check out Khanya Photography, Poughkeepsie NY Pet Photography!

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Letters or Numbers – 52 Week Project | St. Cloud

The theme for the Beautiful Beasties Network was letters or numbers. Axle was the model for the search for letters on this dreary Mother’s Day day. Our first stop was in Sauk Rapids to the old glass company (Icey has also modeled here!).

From there we adventured downtown to snag some images with the Paramount theater sign in the background. This was a shot I have been wanting to attempt for a while. It didn’t quite turn out like I had wanted (gloomy sky and the lights weren’t on) but I know how to work with the sign and a pup now!

Since we were downtown we stopped at a really cool music themed mural (another spot I’ve wanted to capture with a pup). Axle had to show off his underbite as well as his modeling skills!

Our last stop was to a local little liquor store with big painted letters on the side.


And a request for a lay that turned into a half roll over play dead…

axle words numbers-21

Next up, check out Trina Bauer Photography, State College, Pennsylvania.

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