52 Week Project | Reflection

The theme for the 52 Week Project was reflection. Not being super certain what to do, I almost passed on this week’s theme. But Minnesota is the land of lakes, and I’ve got new lenses and a new bag to break in, plus a battery grip I need to train myself to use (come on muscle memory!), so Bender and I headed out to the lake in search of reflections.

Bender isn’t a huge fan of water, but the docks gave him a solid dry spot to stand. We found no calm water on either side of the lake, just different angles of light and squiggly reflections.

Next up visit I Got The Shot Photography, Northeast PA Pet Photographer Elaine Tweedy to see how she captured reflection.


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52 Week Project | Happy

The theme for this week was happy. I met up with the wonderful Gillian and Maple in downtown Minneapolis to do some big city urban scouting. Gillian is a founding member of the awesome group and community Dogs of MSP and I’ve met the lovely Miss Maple a ton of times so it was a treat to do more of a “formal” session.

We started just off Hennepin Ave at the giant, vibrantly colored Bob Dylan mural created by Brazilian artist Eduardo Kobra.

From there we adventured to the historic Stone Arch Bridge.

(Happy is also fitting as Wednesday the 9th was my birthday!)

Next visit Rochelle from Dark Sapphire Pet Photography, Nelson, New Zealand to see how she captured happy.


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52 Week Project | Wood

The theme for the 52 Week Project was wood. Not only do we have lots of lakes here in Minnesota, we also have lots of woods and trails to explore. Bender and I aimed towards a different side of the lake to see what we could find.

A beat up wood picnic table under a roof with wood trusses…

A random stand of trees in the grass on the edge of the actual woods…

Into the woods. The path was narrow until we came across a multi branched fork. There small wooden bench tucked into an alcove of branches, a lovely backdrop.

A big big tree on the edge of the path.

The pathway around the woods.

When Bender gets tired of modeling his sit/stay ends up being more of a stroll towards me, making it harder to compose the images I’m looking for. Luckily there was a branch spanning the path that worked wonderfully for a hitching spot.


Next visit Jodie from Pawtrait Purrfection, serving Pets and People in Ipswich, Australia and see what she found for the wood theme.



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