This session is quite short in duration – a whopping 10 minutes! Hence the Teenie Weenie name! This is an exclusive session offered only at certain times during the year – during fall colors & at holiday time.
Teenie Weenie Sessions can occur indoors in a studio setting or outdoors in a super awesome location! (And yes, they are similar to Shitty Weather Sesssions minus that they can occur from April to November and CAN be done outdoors!)
The session goes like this:
You arrive at my garage, park in the driveway next to my Outback.
Open the gate and come in the garage door.
Everything is set up and ready to go! Studio strobes, backdrop and ample treats (if your dog has allergies let me know!).
Leash off, collar off if you want some “nudes” of your dog.
We wrangle your dog on the backdrop, with or without holiday props, and capture playful, fun, silly and classic images.
This session is QUICK – 10 minutes and we wrap! Perfect for super busy schedules.
You and your dog depart, waiting for the gallery to arrive within 2 weeks of your session.
Or if we are outdoors:
We meet at the location I have picked – it will be awesome!
Our 10 minute timer starts.
Loads of silly noises to get your dog’s attention during the allotted time.
We wrap, you head on your way and eagerly wait for your gallery to arrive within 2 weeks of your session!
In regards to “posing” – it will always be an ask. Do you think your dog will sit/stand here? Put their feet up? Lay on the lumpy bumpy ground? If the answer is yes or probably then we will direct your dog to what we would like them to do. If it results in a stand vs or a lay vs stand, no worries we will work with it! We will ask once or twice and if we get a nope from your dog, we’ll adapt and carry on.
The aim is FUN! If the ask doesn’t mean fun for your dog, we won’t push them.
What kind of images will be captured during your session?
– Shoulders and up of your dog’s head (classic like any portrait you have had done in your school days).
Full body portraits
– Portraits with your dog’s full body, in a sit, lay or stand.
Treat Catching Shots
– Your dog, their mouth and epic drool as they catch treats tossed their direction. Fun and full of humor! INDOORS only!
– Christmas props or winter props like scarves.
Your bond
– From family portraits to your hand on their head, your hand and their paws, your dog at your feet and any other ways we can capture the bond you share with your dog.
Some other things you might be wondering:
Do we have to stick to one location?
Yes we do! Teenie Weenie Sessions are short in duration – 10 minutes! This gives us ample time for image diversity, but no wiggle room for strolling to different locations. (Especially if we are shooting in studio!) If you need more time, the Digital Dog is a better pick!
Does my dog need to be leashed?
YES! A leash will help wrangle your pup and keep him or safe during your session. All leashes will be edited out of the final images!
If we are in the studio, then no, your dog doesn’t need to be on leash!
When is the best time to do a Teenie Weenie Session?
Fall color time and winter holidays! Teenie Weenie Sessions are limited edition sessions that are only available occasionally. Typically these sessions are available when the leaves burst into bold color in the fall and when the world begins to look like Christmas.
How do I book a Teenie Weenie Session?
Texting or calling to inquire WHEN the next Teenie Weeni Session will be happening – 320.428.0135
Emailing () works too, though it can be slower for response times. Skip sending pigeons – Blue will either chase or eat them…
Let’s capture your dog with playful, vibrant and classic images in a Teenie Weenie Session!
This session takes place from January to March, during the shitty weather season when it is too bloody cold to be outside for portraits (general rule of thumb: it needs to be 15 degrees or warmer to do a session outdoors, including windchill.) So when it is too cold outside, we move indoors!
And what makes a Shitty Weather Session different than a Digital Dog Session? BACKDROPS!
That’s right, from crisp paper (light blue, pink, red, dark green, black or white) to massively funky patterned backdrops, these are playful “studio” sessions. Swing by my house and I’ll have the garage prepped and kinda cozy (our garage tends to stay chilly but not freezing cold in the winter, I’ve got a little heater that helps).
These sessions are great for fun, classic studio images with or without winter holiday props.
The session goes like this:
You arrive at my garage, park in the driveway next to my Outback.
Open the gate and come in the garage door.
Everything is set up and ready to go! Studio strobes, backdrop and ample treats (if your dog has allergies let me know!).
Leash off, collar off if you want some “nudes” of your dog.
We wrangle your dog on the backdrop, with or without holiday props, and capture playful, fun, silly and classic images.
This session is QUICK – 10 minutes and we wrap! Perfect for super busy schedules.
You and your dog depart, waiting for the gallery to arrive within 2 weeks of your session.
In regards to “posing” for the Shitty Weather Session – there will be TONS of treats and loads of luring. We will ask your dog to sit within the perimeters of the backdrop and aim their attention towards us. If your dog lays instead of sitting, we’ll work with it for that image, then ask your dog to reset into a sit.
Backdrops and props can be a little weird for dogs, don’t worry if your dog doesn’t feel comfortable next to a prop or sitting on the backdrop. Blue is pretty much a pro model and still is weirded out by the paper backdrop if he backs up into it.
The aim is FUN! If the ask doesn’t mean fun for your dog, we won’t push them.
What kind of images will be captured during your session?
– Shoulders and up of your dog’s head (classic like any portrait you have had done in your school days).
Full body portraits
– Portraits with your dog’s full body, in a sit, lay or stand.
Treat Catching Shots
– Your dog, their mouth and epic drool as they catch treats tossed their direction. Fun and full of humor!
– Winter holiday props – Valentine’s, St. Patrick’s, Mardi Gras and Easter all can be incorporated for fun images to share or create cards with!
Some other things you might be wondering:
Do we have to stick to one location?
Yes we do! Shitty Weather Sessions are ALWAYS indoors with a backdrop, the main location being my garage. If you’d like to stroll outdoors with more time, the Digital Dog is a better fit!
Does my dog need to be leashed?
Nope! They are free to explore the garage and be “naked”. If your dog is mega bouncy and won’t hold still, we may have to leash them to wrangle them to the proper area.
When is the best time to do a Shitty Weather Session?
Anytime between January to March! And time of day is open too! We can shoot in the morning, the middle of the day or into the evening. Being indoors and a studio, it doesn’t matter when we have the session!
How do I book a Shitty Weather Session?
Head to the online booking to see the available dates from January to March! Book your session online! This is the fastest way to book!
Texting or calling is the second fastest way to book a session – 320.428.0135 – while emailing () can be slower for response times. Skip sending pigeons – Blue will either chase or eat them…
Let’s capture your dog with playful, vibrant and classic images in a Shitty Dog Session!
The next in the series is the Puppy Series Session! (See the first in the series here: Digital Dog Session)
What is the Puppy Series Session?
These sessions celebrates everything PUPPY!
From baby toe beans and shark teeth, to oversized paws and ears, to lanky legs and goofy teenager antics to polished adult, these sessions are designed to capture the moments in growth your puppy will have in their first year.
The Puppy Series Session comes in a series of 3 or 2.
The series of 3 sessions: first session at 2-4 months (8 weeks – 16 weeks), second session at 6 months and the final session at 1 year. Perfect for brand new puppies from breeders or young puppies from animal shelters and rescues.
The series of 2 sessions can be at 2-6 months and at 1 year. Perfect for puppies who are from animal shelters and rescues who may be a little older than 2-4 months when they arrive into your home.
(If you want to do more sessions, say 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months and 1 year we totally can! Ask me about it!)
Each session is an hour and will follow your puppy around as they explore the wide, new world. Puppies in the 2 – 4 months range will have their session at home in their backyard (we can explore if you’re comfortable & your puppy has had 2 in their shot series). After that, we can explore anywhere we want with your 6 month and older puppy!
The sessions go like this:
We meet at your house (2-4 months)
I meet your puppy, giving them lots of love or ample time to meet me.
We stroll into your yard and hang out in your house.
Lots of treats, lots of silly sounds, ample breaks to let your puppy have fun!
This process repeats for the duration of the session
The session is slated for an hour, though it will be dictated by your puppy. Is he or she snoozing a half hour in? Then we will wrap up for the day. If they are running, playing and exploring past the hour, we’ll stay as long as we have light!
We depart ways – me to start curating your gallery, you and your puppy to head in for a solid snooze.
This process repeats at 6 months and 1 year, though instead of your house and yard we will explore a new location!
We meet at the picked location (you get to pick where we go! Can’t choose? We can sort it out together!)
I meet your puppy again and marvel how big they’ve gotten!
Then we stroll! It may seem like I’m distracted as we walk – I’m actually scanning for the best places to ask your puppy to “pose” in.
We pause, ask for a sit, a lay, a stand in place and look at the lady making mega goofy sounds.
Lots of treats, then we meander to the next spot – a clutch of grass, a wondering fence, a pathway of brick, piles of leaves, peeling paint on old barns, or any other point of color, light, texture that catches my eye and will make for EPIC portraits.
This process repeats for the duration of the session. Low key, fun and chill as we stroll.
Around the hour mark your puppy might want to snuggle in for the evening – totally ok and normal! If your puppy is showing that he or she is done with all the “posing”, walking, sniffing and action shots, then we will end your session and head back to the car.
We depart ways – me to start curating your gallery, you and your puppy to head home and snooze the evening away.
In regards to “posing” – it will always be an ask. Do you think your puppy will sit/stand here? Put their feet up? Lay on the lumpy bumpy ground? If the answer is yes or probably then we will direct your puppy to what we would like them to do. If it results in a stand vs or a lay vs stand, no worries we will work with it! We will ask once or twice and if we get a nope from your puppy, we’ll adapt and carry on.
The aim is FUN! If the ask doesn’t mean fun for your puppy, we won’t push them.
What kind of images will be captured during your session?
Grow With Me Prop / Replicated Poses
Your puppy is going to grow bigger in rapid strides so having a “grow with me” prop helps you remember how teenie weenie your pup once was. This prop could be anything as long as the size is static. Think plush toys, cookbooks, Converse shoes, baskets, or go super creative and find something that pertains to your puppy’s name. Loki could be a Loki POP or plush, hunting names with duck decoys or mounted deer antlers (as long as you don’t mind a couple of puppy teeth marks!), floral names with fake flowers, anything you can think up.
Each session we will work on replicating the “grow with me” prop pose to create an awesome transition from puppy to adult. The prop will seem like its shrinking!
Or if you’re not keen on a “grow with me” prop, then we can focus on replicated poses. This can be as simple as a sit or lay with paws and legs pointing the same direction. The transition will be cool, though the scale of puppy to adult may be a little lost without a prop object.
– Shoulders and up of your puppy’s squishy little head (classic like any portrait you have had done in your school days).
Full body portraits
– Portraits with your puppy’s entire wiggly little body in the frame. Sitting, standing or laying down is quite alright!
Action shots
– Puppies are full of action! From chasing after legs, zooming in the grass, chomping on sticks and exploring with great gusto.
– Baby shark teeth, whiskers, toes, noses, eyes, ears, tails, butt swirls, all the details that make your puppy who they are!
Your bond
– From family portraits to your hand on their head, your hand and their paws, your puppy at your feet and any other ways we can capture the bond you share with your growing puppy.
Some other things you might be wondering:
Is anything included in the session?
Each puppy session includes 2 digital images with a grand total of 6 digital images over all 3 sessions! Plus you’ll get a piece of epic wall art – one 10×20 metal that features 3 of your puppy’s images, one from each session, put together in a mega timeless collage! OOOOOOO! Plus you’ll get 25% off all a la cart purchases!
If you opt for the Puppy Series x2, you’ll get 2 digital images each session for a grand total of 4 digital images! Plus you get 20% off all a la cart purchases!
Do we have to stick to one location?
Yes! With each puppy session being up to an hour will won’t have a ton of time to visit multiple locations. Don’t worry we’ll pick a location that is brimming with loads of different backdrops to explore. Plus remember your puppy won’t have an infinite amount of energy for longer adventures (we can do that when they are older!).
And for puppies in the 2-4 month age range, I recommend that we stay at home or in your yard (pending vaccinations).
Can we do the session in our backyard?
We sure can! If we do, please pick up poo and assorted random dismembered toys around your yard. Fences will become part of the backdrop as well. Your puppy will be free to roam, though we may employ a leash to help wrangle them to an area – so they sit next to your flowers instead of tromping through them.
Why can’t we do pictures in the middle of the day?
We could…. if you want hard dark shadows, overly bright whites, crispy contrast and possible squinting dogs (people for sure squint in middle of the day light!). Backgrounds can be overly bright, and shade can be dappled, just not the ideal for stunning portraits of your puppy.
Instead if you want the dreamiest, warm, happy light then the timeframe of two hours before sunset is when the light will be the best. (It’s called golden hour due to this lovely golden light!). I favor evening golden hour as the light wanes into sunset vs the golden hour of the morning due to the color of the light and geez that sunrise can be EARLY!!!
Though…. depending on what we want to achieve we may have to consider different times of the day.
Looking to head to the lake, get a still stunning reflection and some lifting fog? Then we are going to need to be at the lake at sunrise (lakes in MN are typically calmest in the morning). The same rule applies for frost, dew and morning fog. If we want to experience it, we will need to arrive at sunrise. For sunrise golden hour will have 2 hours after the sun rises for the best light.
Wanting to do epic hiking through the woods and forests for your session? We will need to bump our time earlier in the evening especially the deeper we go inward. Trees tend to block a fair amount of light the deeper we go into the depths.
And if you have the power to… order us up a cloudy day that breaks at sunset into puffy clouds that a bathed in stunning colors… shucks I can’t order that up either!
Does my puppy need to be leashed?
Yes! If we are somewhere other than your yard and your house, your puppy will need to be leashed during the session. Leashes will always be edited out of your final images so your puppy will look like an off leash superstar!
When is the best time to do a Puppy Series Session?
Today! Tomorrow!!! SOON! Puppies don’t stay wee, cute and puppy sized for very long so we need to take advantage of portraits with them as soon as we can!
At 2-4 months of age for the first session we could land in a various range of seasons!
Winter puppies will be photographed inside unless they are 6 months or older.
Using Blue as an example: Blue was 8 weeks the end of August, he was 6 months just after Christmas and turned a year in June. Your puppy will most likely have two season changes during their 3 puppy sessions!
Here’s a breakdown of 6 months apart (great if you wanted to know when your pup’s half birthday is too!)
Texting or calling is the second fastest way to book a session – 320.428.0135 – while emailing () can be slower for response times. Skip sending pigeons – Blue will either chase or eat them…
Let’s capture your puppy with playful, vibrant and classic images in a Digital Dog Session!
Welcome to the meet and greet series of the sessions at About A Dog Photography!
You’ll get to meet each of the sessions – Digital Dog, Short & Sweet, Teenie Weenie, Shitty Weather and Puppy Series – and learn what makes each session unique.
The first in the series is the Digital Dog Session!
What is the Digital Dog Session?
Featuring the longest amount of photography time (up to an hour and half) the Digital Dog Session is a causal paced, fun and long enough for ample portraits of your dog (or multiple dogs) plus family portraits without feeling like we are chaotically trying to squash them into the session.
The session goes like this:
We meet at the picked location (you get to pick where we go! Can’t choose? We can sort it out together!)
I meet your dog / dogs, giving him or her the appropriate amount of time and space to take me in.
Then we stroll! It may seem like I’m distracted as we walk – I’m actually scanning for the best places to ask your dog to “pose” in.
We pause, ask for a sit, a lay, a stand in place and look at the lady making mega goofy sounds.
Lots of treats, then we meander to the next spot – a clutch of grass, a wondering fence, a pathway of brick, piles of leaves, peeling paint on old barns, or any other point of color, light, texture that catches my eye and will make for EPIC portraits.
This process repeats for the duration of the session. Low key, fun and chill as we stroll.
Around the hour mark your dog might want to snuggle in for the evening – totally ok and normal! If your dog is showing that he or she is done with all the “posing”, walking, sniffing and action shots, then we will end your session and head back to the car.
We depart ways – me to start curating your gallery, you and your dog to head home and snooze the evening away.
In regards to “posing” – it will always be an ask. Do you think your dog will sit/stand here? Put their feet up? Lay on the lumpy bumpy ground? If the answer is yes or probably then we will direct your dog to what we would like them to do. If it results in a stand vs or a lay vs stand, no worries we will work with it! We will ask once or twice and if we get a nope from your dog, we’ll adapt and carry on.
The aim is FUN! If the ask doesn’t mean fun for your dog, we won’t push them.
What kind of images will be captured during your session?
– Shoulders and up of your dog’s head (classic like any portrait you have had done in your school days).
Full body portraits
– Portraits with your dog’s full body, in a sit, lay or stand.
Action shots
– Your dog walking with you away and towards me, your dog running away and towards me (if you can hit me with a ball you get bonus points haha!), swimming, shaking off, carrying a stick – all ways your dog is in motion!
– Whiskers, toes, noses, eyes, ears, tails, butt swirls, all the details that make your dog who they are!
Your bond
– From family portraits to your hand on their head, your hand and their paws, your dog at your feet and any other ways we can capture the bond you share with your dog.
What makes this a DIGITAL dog session? My dog isn’t a robot or techy dog!
The session is called Digital Dog due to the fact that the session INCLUDES digital images! In fact there are 5 digital images included in the Digital Dog Session! (Plus… you get a percentage off of any a la cart pieces of artwork you want to create – from acrylic blocks to canvases to prints on epic paper and more!)
The digital images included in your session are GINORMOUS! They can be used in any way you see fit, aside from selling them or saying you created it. Want your dog as a screensaver? Holiday cards? A blanket? Socks? Go for it!
Some other things you might be wondering:
Do we have to stick to one location?
Not at all! We can incorporate two locations into Digital Dog Session, though keep in mind the farther apart they are the shorter time we will have to stroll as drive time will eat up session time.
Can we do the session in our backyard?
We sure can! If we do, please pick up poo and assorted random dismembered toys around your yard. Fences will become part of the backdrop as well (which means if you don’t love your chain link you may want to consider a different location than your yard). Your own yard is a great place for a session with older dogs who are less mobile or really young puppies.
Why can’t we do pictures in the middle of the day?
We could…. if you want hard dark shadows, overly bright whites, crispy contrast and possible squinting dogs (people for sure squint in middle of the day light!). Backgrounds can be overly bright, and shade can be dappled, just not the ideal for stunning portraits of your dog.
Instead if you want the dreamiest, warm, happy light then the timeframe of two hours before sunset is when the light will be the best. (It’s called golden hour due to this lovely golden light!). I favor evening golden hour as the light wanes into sunset vs the golden hour of the morning due to the color of the light and geez that sunrise can be EARLY!!!
Though…. depending on what we want to achieve we may have to consider different times of the day.
Looking to head to the lake, get a still stunning reflection and some lifting fog? Then we are going to need to be at the lake at sunrise (lakes in MN are typically calmest in the morning). The same rule applies for frost, dew and morning fog. If we want to experience it, we will need to arrive at sunrise. For sunrise golden hour will have 2 hours after the sun rises for the best light.
Wanting to do epic hiking through the woods and forests for your session? We will need to bump our time earlier in the evening especially the deeper we go inward. Trees tend to block a fair amount of light the deeper we go into the depths.
And if you have the power to… order us up a cloudy day that breaks at sunset into puffy clouds that a bathed in stunning colors… shucks I can’t order that up either!
Does my dog need to be leashed?
Yes! If we are somewhere other than your yard and your house, your dog will need to be leashed during the session. Leashes will always be edited out of your final images so your dog will look like an off leash superstar!
When is the best time to do a Digital Dog Session?
Today! Tomorrow!!! Anytime! The current time is always a great time to do a Digital Dog Session. If you want to wait, you have multiple seasons to consider.
Winter: crisp white snow, powdery snow for faces and kicking up with action. Can be cold for some dogs.
Later winter / early spring: browns, possibly snow, mud. Brown landscapes have loads of texture or we head to urban areas.
Spring: mud to spring greens, comfortable temps that aren’t too hot (great for smoosh faced dogs).
Summer: greens, flowers, great temps though can be hot. Beaches & lakes are warm & inviting. Don’t forget bugs!
Fall: cooler temps & fall leaf colors (until early/mid October)
Late fall/early winter pre snow: brown landscape full of textures, cool temps, earlier golden hour
I can create stunning images of your dog no matter the season and amount of mud and browns that may be available.
How do I book a Digital Dog Session?
Head to the online booking to see the available dates from April to November! Book your session online! This is the fastest way to book!
Texting or calling is the second fastest way to book a session – 320.428.0135 – while emailing () can be slower for response times. Skip sending pigeons – Blue will either chase or eat them…
Let’s capture your dog with playful, vibrant and classic images in a Digital Dog Session!
February 9th is National Pizza Day! What better way to celebrate than with a pizza pie as big as the SKY!
Though, pizza isn’t the best food for dogs to have (a snack of a bit of crust here and there is ok!) so we need to create a dog friendly pizza!
The ingredients for the crust:
Oat flour
Baking powder
Olive Oil
ALL of which are ok for dogs to eat! BUT… DO NOT feed you dog any of the raw, uncooked dough! The raw yeast creates carbon dioxide when it rises – which is not good in a dog’s tummy!
Now for toppings:
Pizza sauce – no, but tomatoes yes (see below)
Onions – TOXIC to dogs
Pepperoni – too much sodium, AVOID!
Sausage – the unseasoned kind a little in moderation, can be quite salty otherwise!
Olives – yes, good for dogs!
Mushrooms – yes, dogs can eat, store bought only!
Bacon – skip, too salty and too fatty!
Canadian Bacon – skip, too salty!
Ham – also skip as it is too salty
Green Pepper – good for dogs!
Cheese – yes!
Skip the pizza sauce as most contain added sugars, salt, and different spices. Instead you can use ripe tomatoes, tomato puree or crushed tomatoes as long as they don’t contain any additional spices. Avoid tomato sauce as it typically contains onion powder and garlic powder – both are BAD for dogs!
If you give your dog ripe tomatoes as a treat, avoid giving any of the leaves, stem and an unripe or green tomatoes as these are toxic to dogs! (Tomatoes are in the nightshade family as are eggplant, potatoes and peppers!).
While processed meats typically found on pizza are out, unseasoned cooked meats like chicken, turkey, beef and steak are totally ok! You can also add tuna, salmon, shrimp or crab! Ample options for a robust pup friendly pizza! Make a simple cheese or cheese + meat pizza or go for a fully loaded dog friendly supreme pizza!
Onward to the recipe!
Dog Friendly Pizza
Celebrate National Pizza Day (February 9th) with a pizza for your dog!
For the crust:
2-3 cups oat flour
2 tbsp warm water
1 pkg instant yeast
2 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
1-2 tbsp olive oil
For the sauce:
unseasoned tomato puree or crushed tomatoes
For the toppings, add as many as you desire!
cheese – cheddar or mozzarella
meat – chicken, turkey, beef, steak, pork
seafood – shrimp, crab, fish, salmon
veggies – green peppers, olives, mushrooms
Making the pizza crust:
Add flour to bowl.
Activate the yeast per the packet instructions.
Once activated add the yeast to the flour.
Add eggs, baking powder and salt.
Use spatula to combine, knead for 2 minutes or until dough is formed. The ideal consistency of the dough should be soft and slightly tacky.
** Add more water if needed (oat flour does tend to soak up moisture).
** Add more flour if needed, dough should be soft and slightly tacky.
Cover with a damp towel or plastic wrap and allow to rest for 20-30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Dust rolling surface with oat flour. Divide dough in half and roll out dough to desired shape and size.
Transfer to pan for cooking. You can use a pan, pizza stone or cast iron pan.
Brush with olive oil, let rest again before adding toppings.
** If you'd like, you can blink bake the crust without toppings for 5 minutes.
Add the toppings:
The ideal is to NOT overload the crust otherwise it will become soggy!
Smear on some sauce (this will be dependent on the size of your pizza – more for a larger pie, less for a smaller pie). Add the toppings of your dog's liking.
Put into the oven and cook for 10 minutes, or until the cheese begins to brown and get crispy.
** Cooking time might be longer depending on the size and depth of your pizza. Start at 10 minutes and check. The ideal is melty cheese that is browning.
Let cool to room temp, cut into slices or squares and give to your dog!
We opted for a cast iron pan for cooking to make a delightful single serve pizza for Blue.
Rub the cast iron skillet with olive oil being sure to coat the sides and bottom. Press the dough to cover the bottom of the skillets. Bake until cheese is melted and is golden brown (we landed at 20 minutes).
Main Course
dog friendly pizza, dog pizza, pizza for dogs
I totally forgot to put olive oil on the crust before the ingredients, whoops!
The crust didn’t really brown and had a dense, cracker like consistency. Not sure if it was a boo boo on my end with the yeast or if that’s what an oat flour is going to produce.
The dough def needed more water – the 2 tablespoons didn’t go very far, nor did the 2 eggs for moisture. I think I added roughly 3/4 cup of water (using a dry measuring cup… bwhahahaha!) to get the dough to the proper consistency as noted in the recipe.
I made a 2nd pizza that was for me. It required more time (25 minutes for cheese starting to brown). It didn’t rest as long as Blue’s pizza and when I un-panned it the crust was rather soggy and smelt a little like a wet dog treat. I ate the cheesy toppings and tossed the crust. (This was also a heavier loaded pizza than the one for Blue which could have also made a difference.)
I’ll stick to regular flour for my crust haha!
Blue was quite excited to eat a piece of pizza all of his own!