Dog Photography Blog

Black Friday Small Business Love

The day has arrived, though the classical context of the Black Fridays of our youth (lines for the elusive doorbusters, the chaos and fending off the old women for the very last Tickle Me Elmo) has fizzled into a month long celebration of holiday spending and deals. Additionally, web buying allows us to be cozy in our robes and slippers without the hassle of parking, people and getting up at the ass crack in hopes of the thing might be available. 

This year is mega important to support our local small businesses. The pandemic has been rough, and small businesses have been hit quite hard. Be sure to show them ample love!

Below is a compiled list of local to Minnesota & beyond:

Local to Minnesota:

  • Atomic Collars
    – upcycled collars, scarves and hoodies for bigger dogs 
  • Sidewalk Dog
    – an awesome resource for everything dog in the Twin Cities plus they have awesome swag!
  • CuddleMutt
    – collars, bandanas & cozy blankets 
    * If you buy a CuddleMutt blanket, they give a CuddleMutt blanket + 20% of profits for all other accessories to a shelter!
  • Grey Duck Art
    – paint by numbers of YOUR dog!
  • Val & Co
    tasty treats from recycled brew grains, bowties, scarves & matching human sets too! 
  • Dog Love Repeat
    – classy and upscale accessories
  • Lucy & Co
    – coats, bandanas, harnesses & more!
  • Bubbly Paws Dog Wash
    get your pupper squeaky clean – self service, full service and grooming available! Find them in the Twin Cities!
  •  Kovered Up
    – crate covers, bandanas, collars & leashes and more! 
  • Miss Sophie Bowtique
    – adorable dresses & clothing for small to medium sized dogs & cats.
  • Nelli Designs
    – memorial candles, candles & gift boxes
  •  Riverrun Acreage LLC
    – collars, bow ties and face masks!
  • ZoZo & Co
    – adorable bandanas
  • Rescued Hearts Clothing
    – clothing for people with dog themed graphics – perfect for dog moms & dog dads!
  • Finley’s
    – mega tasty dog treats
    * Finley’s creates paid employment opportunities for people with disabilities while dedicating 50% of net profits to initiatives providing employment training, accessibility, health & wellness, and advocacy platforms for people with disabilities.
  • Carver County Chiropractic 
    – not only chiropractors for people – they adjust animals too!
  • Wilson Customs 
    – custom dog kennels that become pieces of furniture as well as a homey place for your doggo!
  • Loon & Beau
    – bandanas & bow ties oh my!
  •  Fuzz Butt Boutique
    – bandanas, face masks, matching sets and more!
  • Leashes by Liz
    – handcrafted leashes, collars & harnesses made from paracord
  • Curtis Collars
    – stunning embroidery collars & paracord ones too!
  •  The Bark Bars
    – soaps and bath bombs for dogs!
  • Fairly Odd Dogs Apparel
    – unique, fun and classy collars plus bandanas & more!
  • Peace Love Local
    – dog tags, bandanas and more!
  • Wet Lab Creative
    – custom portraits of your dog!
  • Northern Wick
    – they create candles, but their fall dog box is utterly adorable!
  •  Lauren Boatner Art
    – awesome portraits of your doggo! Check out her Instagram to see examples!
  • Pawfectreasures
    – Bandana holders for your dog’s bandana wardrobe
  • Stashios
    – wrap ups to turn pills into treats plus tasty dental treats!
  • Kannis Kreations
    – hand stamped dog tags
  • Black Dog’s Art Studio
    – watercolor portraits, face masks and dog bed sheets
  • Doodles and Loons
    – mega cute dog bandanas

More small businesses to love:

Etsy has way more than a ton of options. Collars, leashes, blankets, coats, dog everything. Here are some searches to get you into the rabbit hole:



FRIDAY November 27th – MONDAY November 30th ONLY!
– When you invest in a session your session investment turns into a PRINT CREDIT of $250!

– BIG BONUS: Friday get an additional print credit of $100
– BONUS: Saturday-Sunday get an additional print credit of $50

EMAIL to: 
or you can snag a session here:
to snag the Black Friday SESSION to PRINT CREDIT!


Additional savings with About A Dog Photography: 


BOGO! Buy one, get one FREE on collars and scarves!
*Coupon is valid until November 30th. Excludes hoodies, crewnecks & sale items. 


We will be doing giveaways for December featuring: Atomic Collars, Val & Co, CuddleMutt, Nomadic Tails, & Dog Love Repeat!

Keep an eye on our Instagram @AboutADogPhoto to get your chance to win some awesome holiday swag!

Merry shopping and may the season be full of sparkle & love!

Black Friday Small Business Love Read More »

The Week Before Thanksgiving – the meal, what dogs can & can’t eat and beyond!

Gobble gobble greetings, tis the week before Thanksgiving. This year is a unique one, with our gatherings smaller and quite likely virtual. We may not get to see all the faces and eat all the fixings, but we can still celebrate the ones we love. Gather, be merry and love greatly!  

The meal: a classic large bird, stuffed to the brim with homemade or box made stuffing, veggies, breads and pies galore! All super tasty items to your begging dog, but there are a few things that they shouldn’t get their paws on. 

Dog’s can’t eat:
– stuffing*
– ham*
– turkey bones
– mashed potatoes
– chocolate desserts
– anything with nutmeg, onions & onion powder and garlic
– anything with raisins or grapes

HECK YES! Dogs can eat:
– turkey meat – no skin!
– unbuttered rolls & bread
– veggies: raw or cooked if there are no additional spices
*pumpkin, peas, carrots, green beans, corn (off the cob), celery, pumpkin, sweet potato and radishes are all great choices!
– cranberries, not cranberry sauce!

* stuffing can contain onions, scallions or onion powder which are toxic to dogs>
* ham can cause pancreatitis, upset stomach, vomiting and diarrhea if consumed in large amounts for a med-large dog.

** if your dog licks up a spoonful of mashed potatoes that plopped on the floor, high odds they will be ok. The biggest worry is an upset tummy in dogs that are lactose intolerant. If the recipe calls for onion powder or garlic powder, make sure to get it off the floor before Scruffy can!

Want to give your dog something a little extra tasty for this Thanksgiving? How about some Pup-kin Pies!

** If you’re already planning on handcrafting a pumpkin, apple or berry pie, set aside some of the pie crust. Dogs can totally eat pie crust made with butter, shortening or lard! Make cut out pie crust cookies, or fill with unseasoned pumpkin for more of a classic pie. 

Yes, Thanksgiving was around in 1896! And since these juciy bits arrive on Fridays, we are going DOUBLE on the dates for menus!

Today, as the norm, was a Saturday. Frances E. Peck of Davenport, Iowa,  is the contributor of the menus of November 20th. 

Hominy grits, with cream and sugar
Eggs and mushrooms on toast
Raised doughnuts

Fish fritters
Cucumber Sauce
Buttered hot crackers
Friars omelet

Rice soup
Beefsteak and oyster pie
Baked sweet potatoes
Beet root and Spanish onion salad
Nottingham pudding

A filling round of menus, the curious landing on buttered hot crackers, friars omelet and Nottingham pudding. Friars omelet isn’t listed in the recipes for the date, but found on page 40 under Sunday, January the Twenty-Fourth

Lightly butter a sufficient number of milk crackers, and place in a dripping pan, being careful they do not overlap each other; place in hot oven, and watch them carefully until they are crisped and light-brown. 

* they are literally buttered crackers!
** yes you can still by milk cookies – Royal Lunch  makes them! (Obscure Christmas gift anyone?)

Stew and sift six large apples; while hot add one cupful sugar, one teaspoonful butter. When cool add three beaten eggs. Heat a large tablespoonful of butter and brown in cupful stale, fine bread crumbs. Butter a mold, sprinkle crumbs on bottom and sides; fill with prepared apple, to which add juice of one lemon, cover with crumbs; bake a half-hour. When cool turn out on a platter, eat with sugar and cream. It can be eaten hot if preferred. 

*not sure what oven temp, try 350-400

Sift together thoroughly two cups of sifted flour, two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder, on salt-spoonful of salt, add one and one-half cups of milk, one-half cup of cream and four eggs not beaten, and beat until very light and smooth. Pare and core six apples, put them in a baking dish and if quite tart sprinkle over one cup of sugar. Pour the batter over them and bake one hour. Serve with cream sauce, made as follows: Cream together one-quarter of a cup of butter and one-half cup of powdered sugar. Add two tablespoonfuls of cream and the same of fruit sauce. Thoroughly beat and heat over hot water, but only just enough to remove the curdled look. 

* no oven temp listed,  try 400
** this recipes has ancestry back to medieval days!

Pause for CUTENESS!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Isn’t she the CUTEST pupper? This lovely lady is Clarabelle! We met up in peak fall colors for a session to celebrate her and her newly engaged parents! And don’t let the RBF fool you, she was full of spunk and personality! 

Onward, towards the prep for next week’s grand meal! 

Mrs. P.B. Gehr of Riverside, Ill is the contributor for the feast day’s menu.


Stewed prunes
Boiled rice with cream

Codfish à la mode
Sweet potatoes browned
White and brown bread


Bisque of oysters

Planked whitefish, lemon and walnut sauce

Roast turkey with chestnut filling
Chestnut croquettes
Mashed white potatoes
Baked sweet potatoes

Mashed turnips

Sweetbread salad

Mince pie
Pumpkin pie
Ice cream
Black coffee

Welsh rarebit
Thin bread and butter
Chocolate cake
Buttercup jelly

HOT DANG, what a FEAST! And it seems that there were courses, with the oysters and whitefish leading the extravaganza. Overall the main menu still holds a similarity to our modern day Thanksgiving meal.  

After the menus, 11 recipes follow. These include the recipes for: Bisque of Oysters, Planked Whitefish, Walnut Fish Sauce, Roast Turkey with Chestnut Filling, recipe for the filling, Roast Chestnuts, Chestnut Croquettes (a most delicious accompaniment to turkey), Sweetbread Salad, Mince Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Chocolate Cream Cake and Buttercup Jelly. 

*Sweetbreads are typically the thymus or pancreas of a calf or lamb. 

Get a plump, young twelve-pound turkey. Singe it over a burning newspaper on a hot stove. Draw, being careful not to break any of the internal organs. Rinse out with several waters, using teaspoonful of baking soda in next to the last. Wipe dry inside and out. Rub the inside with a little salt and fill. 

* assumption is that to draw a turkey means to remove the innards as turkeys would have been bought from the butcher or butchered at home. 

The eternal question: How long to thaw a frozen turkey?
– 24 hours per 5 pounds in the refrigerator 

So a 20 pound bird would take 4 days to full thaw.  Plan accordingly!

Roast about thirty chestnuts; peel, removing the inner husk also. Take ten of these with the liver and pound well; add a little minced parsley, a sliver of onion, salt and pepper, the yolks of two eggs; put this into the crop and sew up. Cut into inch lengths five or six links of small sausage that have previously been fried in butter until half done; add a sup of bread crumbs, a large kitchenspoonful of butter, pepper and salt; add the reming chestnuts whole, and fill the body. Sew up with strong thread. Tie the legs and wings to the body and fasten securely with skewers; rub over a little soft butter, salt and pepper, dredge with flour. Wrap in slices of bacon and place in dripping-pan. Baste often, allowing twenty minutes to a pound in a moderate oven. It should be browned evenly all over. Boil the giblets until done. Mince very fine and add to the gravy. 

*Chestnuts were common, from the American chestnut trees. The chestnut blight happened in the early 1900s. American chestnuts are considered extinct, so all modern chestnuts are from Chinese chestnut trees. 

Use fifty French chestnuts, two gills of cream, two tablespoonfuls butter, saltspoon of salt, four egges and some sifted bread crumbs for breading. Shell the chestnuts, put into a stewpot with enough water to cover. Boil thirty minutes. Drain off the water and pound the nuts until very fine; add one tablespoonful of the butter and pound until well mixed; add balance of butter and salt and pound ten minutes, then add the cream, a little at a time. When it is all worked in rub the mixture through a sieve. Beat three eggs until light and stir into that which has been strained. Place in a double boiler and cook eight minutes, stirring constantly. It should by this time be smooth and thick, if the water in the outer boiler has been boiling rapidly. Spread on a large platter to cool. When cold, butter the hands and mold into balls or cones. Dip into the fourth egg, then into the bread crumbs; fry a minute and a half. Arrange on a warm napkin and serve. 

* 1 gill = 1 teacup = 4 fluid ounces
** 1 saltspoon = 1/4 teaspoon

Pie should be at least an inch thick. Two cups stewed pumpkin, one teaspoonful ginger, half teaspoonful salt, two-thirds cup of sugar, half teaspoonful cinnamon, two eggs, one scant pint milk. Mix sugar, spice and salt together, stir into the pumpkin; add eggs and milk. There should be one quart when finished. Line a tin plate with good pastry, fill with the mixture and bake forty-five minutes. To please the children, cut from thin pastry the letters spelling “Thanksgiving” and lay on the top when half baked. 

* No pastry instruction seems very common for pies of this era. Passed from your mothers and grandmothers, pasty would be something you just knew how to do or had an ancient handwritten recipe from the pie makers of the past. 
** Oven temp: start at 425 and drop to 350,  or try a straight 375. Seems to be ample variation for modern pumkin pies. 

And for giggles, Welsh Rarebit for late luncheon, found on pg 27, 400 & 411

Grate one pint of cheese. Sprinkle on it half a teaspoonful of mustard, one-fourth a teaspoonful of salt and a speck of red pepper. Heap this on slices of buttered toast and put in the oven until cheese begins to melt, when hurry to the table. 

Scald one-quarter cup of milk. Stir into this when hot one cupful of grated cheese, with which has been mixed one-quarter of a teaspoonful of salt, one-quarter spoonful of mustard (dry) and a dash of cayenne. When the cheese is melted add the well-beaten yolks of two eggs; stir and cook a minute and pour over hot toast. In preparing a rarebit by this method a rich crumbly cheese should be used, as skimmed milk cheese will not melt, but main in the liquid as a tough mass. 

Half a pound of fresh cheese, two eggs, one-quarter saltspoonful cayenne, one tablespoonful of butter, one teaspoonful of mustard, half a teaspoonful of salt, one-half cup cream. Break the cheese in small pieces, and put it and the other ingredients in a light sauce-pan, which put over boiling water. Stir until the cheese melts; then spread the mixture on slices of hot crisp toast. Serve at once. Water may be used instead of cream. 

Whew! What an adventure into the cooking of yesteryear! If you create any of these epic dishes, let us know! 

From here forward, we’ll be focusing on some of our favorite small businesses that are dog related – from treats, to accessories, to artwork and more. Perfect for the upcoming season of giving & gifting. 

We’ll also step into a short series of how to use Christmas lights successfully in pictures with your dog. 

The day’s recipes will be shared from 1896, and there may be a section of dogifying recipes – which would be taking classics, obscures and tastys, then turning them into dog friendly options. 

If there’s anything you want to learn, drop us a line! We love to help you any way we can in the world of knowledge!

Snuggle in, share your love in a grand gathering (virtual or in person), stuff yourself to the brim and celebrate family & friends. We appreciate each and every one of you. 

The Week Before Thanksgiving – the meal, what dogs can & can’t eat and beyond! Read More »

Mid Month Friday

Mid month Friday.  2 weeks prior to the gathering of family and food, 2 weeks prior to the black weekend (which per Target / Walmart / others is the “old” way to do it, so the ENTIRE month of November is Black Friday.) An average Friday, on an average date, back into the winter vibes with the snow and crisp 20s temperatures. The birds are adorable as they fluff into poofs, keeping warm as they squabble over the birdseed bits. 


In a curious look up, today is actually an awesome day (no not donuts, cake or coffee). Today is: World Kindness Day.

In all the hoopla of our daily lives, today is a grand encourager to remember kindness. The “new normal” means you can’t dole out a plethora of hugs as a kind gesture. Perhaps it could be shoveling your neighbor’s sidewalk, paying it forward at the grocery store or coffee shop, or giving the extra care and appreciation to everyone we meet throughout the day. Yes, masks make it a bit more challenging to convey a smile when out with others. Give open gestures, bright eyes and trust me, those smiley crows feet wrinkles still show up around your eyes when you do crack a ginormous smile. 

Be kind. 

Not just today, but as we begin to create our new forward momentum in this “new normal”. 

The best way to thwart the early onset winter blues: a sassy husky pup (she was 6 months old during her session). This gorgeous, spunkful gal is Mishka! How freaking cute is she??? She was happy to trample the flowers, sniff and pose for treats during her summer session. She was a total sassafras and an absolute charmer!  Want to follow her sassy antics? Find her on Instagram: meanie_mishka. ( Follow her big brother Shiloh too – shiloh.the.sheltie.)

There’s a new camera who is living with the rest of the Nikon pack – the Nikon Z6 II! 

She arrived this week, sleek, sharp and snappy. She’s a mirrorless camera, smaller and lighter, capable of ample pictures per second and a coveted 120p 1080 video (slow motion!). PLUS there’s human and animal face tracking which is mega awesome! We haven’t had much time to play as the snow came the same day she did. 

Camera #4 of the Nikon pack which includes: Nikon D5, D750, and D300s. (The starter Canon still lives here, plus a little mirrorless Sony NEX).  An exciting new adventure!

Recipe time: Into 1896. The date, as always, was a Saturday. The menu of recipes submitted by Alice Caskey of Burlington WI (6 hours away from St. Cloud, 5 hours mins away from Minneapolis, just south of Milwaukee). 

Mushroomed cutlets
Cream toast

Hot rolls
Mexican stew
Potato puff
Columbia cake

Pumpkin soup
Fried rabbits à la Creole
Mashed potatoes
New England apple pie

A hearty menu, mushroomed cutlets is interesting (uses the mushrooms as a coating for frying). No idea what cream toast is (could be simply a cream sauce over toast?) and the recipe for the pumpkin soup starts: “This is a novelty and delicious.” The New England apple pie, as most pie recipes in this cookbook has no recipe for the pastry, merely the ingredients to go within the pie. (There’s “a wee dash of red pepper” in this apple pie recipe – plus the recommended apples are Baldwin or Greening.)

The curiosities lie in Mexican stew and the Columbia cake (seems we prefer desserts over savory…).

A large cupful of cold, cook and minced chicken. Take half the quantity of uncooked ham cut in very small dice, both fat and lean, and fry for a moment in a tablespoonful of butter, add the chicken, a teaspoonful of minced parsley, a dash of pepper, and when very hot stir in two heaping cupfuls of boiled seasoned rice. Toss all lightly together, and give just a dash of lemon juice. 

* Half the quantity of uncooked ham seems to be half the amount of the chicken – half a cup
** Not sure what seasonings might be used in the rice – perhaps Mexican/Tex-Mex influence?

– Three eggs
– One teacupful sugar
– One tablespoonful butter
– One and one-half teacupfuls flour
– Half a teacupful of cold water
– One teaspoonful of baking powder
– One teacupful of chopped hickory nut meats

Beat the sugar and butter to a cream, add the yolks of the eggs, beat well, add the water, then the flour and baking powder; mix well, add the nut meats and then the well beaten whites of the eggs. 

And… that’s it.
With cooking and baking handed down from cook to cook, it was assumed that the knowledge of how hot an oven and the duration of time for a cake is assumed. 

* 1 teacupful = 4 ounces / 1 cup = 8 ounces, thusly 1 teacupful may be half of a cup
** teacupful is an approximate measure – you would literally take a teacup and use it to measure ingredients / 2 teacups = 1 coffeecup (there’s a wiki on approximate measurements – how many have you heard of?)
*** bake time try: 30-40 mins / bake temperature try: 325 to 450

In the food exploration: mascarpone cheese

Baking & cooking shows, a favorite of mine throughout the year, often mention adding mascarpone to mixtures. So we quested, to the fancy land of Lunds & Byerlys. (Actually the quest was for allspice, but since we were there… Opal apples and mascarpone!). Tucked by the fancy cheeses, somewhere between mozzarella and feta, in a quaint little tub, one of a kind. Snagged. 

The taste test: it’s like an earthy, less tangy cream cheese
(cream cheese is a relative, made from milk, whereas mascarpone is made with cream.)
– eaten with: ginger cookies, in the dinner salad (the blue cheese took over) and on homemade banana bread
– tasty, super soft, spreads like butter

The next curious in food exploration: persimmons 

Atomic Collars has been sewing holiday scarves like elves on 5 Hour Energys the week before Christmas. (Double the amount in the picture above!). Yeehaw! 

The busy pace is brought to you for the prep of the upcoming Maker’s Market in the Regency downtown St. Cloud on December 5th, from 9-2. Can’t attend a holiday market without some holiday swag! There is t-minus 22 days to get sewing, snapping and labeling! We would totally love to see you by the way! The full details can be found here:

DATE: December 5th, 9 am – 2 pm, The Regency in downtown St. Cloud. 


PLUS Atomic Collars will be part of the Virtual Winter Artisan & Small Business Market, hosted by MPLS Parking. This virtual market runs from November 28th – December 18th and will feature tons of creative and artistic things for everyone in your family – grandparents, partner, children and furbabies! No formal link as of yet, but as soon as we have it we’ll send it your way. Plus if you do your virtual shopping via the winter market, you’ll get exclusive savings on Atomic Collars!

DATE: November 28th – December 18th, virtual


Snuggle in, do your early Black Friday shopping, give the Mexican stew a go and remember to be kind. 

If you need to get ahold of us (chit chat, scheduling your session, baking success or fail, etc) email: / text or call 320-428-0135 / Facebook & Instagram


Mid Month Friday Read More »

Friday, fall bypassed…

Halloween showed up, dressed in plump costumes designed to disguise and retain warmth. The wind made marvelous work of the strewn cobwebs startling 1 dog and intriguing multiple trick or treaters. The night closed with the rise of the moon and engulfment into darkness, a spitting sleet keeping everyone home and cozied up with the leftover candies. Two horrible creature features (First: Piranhaconda & Second: Attack of the Killer Donuts). Horrible plot lines, bad graphics and subpar acting. A perfect way to wrap up the Halloween evening. 

Enter November 1st, fall in its glory, trimmed in pumpkins and rotund turkeys, hints of cinnamon and spice in the chilled air. And everything Halloween, fall or festival, gathered, marked down and pushed to the side to allow the utter take over of the red and green trimmed with gold (granted this holiday was trying its darnedest to wheeze in at the end of August). Upon the 6th day into November we have entered into Christmas. There is a whopping 49 days left until the actual date. Sure, its a money making holiday. Sure those big companies are quarters ahead (they’re planning spring break as you read). It’s always been a slight annoyance. 

Couldn’t we refrain from the holiday sparkle until after we’ve celebrated family and friends? Until after we have gathered in good food and love? Start the greens and reds the moment after Thanksgiving. Heck through a big royal party after the big Macy’s balloons have wafted by and Santa has given a hearty hohoho and wave. (Cue the song from Home Alone as they are running to the plane).

Perhaps this is a way back to a “new normal”. The year was a rough one, so let’s turn to the holiday that brings bliss, happiness and joy sprinkled with hope for the new year? (Though, this lovely holiday has been creeping upward into August for the past few years.)  Yes, we like Christmas. What we wish is that we could have a sense of fall, of Thanksgiving,  before it took over like a fluffy red & green twinkling beast. 

Here’s to fall, pumpkins and cider and that gathering of friends and family (together or remotely) to celebrate good health and love.  Let’s celebrate Christmas in its due time!

OOOOOOOOO!!!! Mark your calendars!

December 5th, from 9-2 in the Regency downtown St. Cloud there will be the Maker’s Market! Snag gifts and goodies from local artists and crafters. Plus you’ll get a chance to oogle at the lovely things Atomic Collars has! Indeed, we will be there in the flesh, masked and socially distant, hanging out with the awesomeness of local crafters & artists. The full details can be found here:

Recipe time!

Today, like every Friday before, it was a Saturday in 1896. The recipe submitted by Mrs. Lucy J. McChesney, of Charleston W. Va. 
(A unique: the recipes for Friday the 5th – submitted by Elizabeth Bacon of Memphis Tenn – are all repeats, minus the Southern Corndodgers.)

White grapes
Granose with sugar and cream
Liver and bacon
Hominy griddle cakes

Cold meat and tomato pie
Potato split biscuit
Baked apples with hot sauce

Mushroom soup
Panned rabbit with currant jelly
Creamed potatoes
Browned parsnips
Turnip salad
Lemon pudding

What in tarnation is granose?
– turns out it is a flaked wheat cereal introduced in 1895 and created by William Kellogg of the future Kellogg’s brand!

Let’s enter into the recipes for potato split biscuit and lemon pudding:


Boil two large Irish potatoes; while hot mash well. Stir into the hot potatoes a tablespoonful of each of butter and lard, one level teaspoonful of salt, and when cool enough not to cook them, two well beaten eggs; to this add a teacupful of milk, in which has been dissolved one-half cake of compressed yeast and a tablespoonful of sugar. Stir in a quart of sifted flour; cover and leave in a warm place to rise. This should be mixed in the morning.  One hour before luncheon turn out on a biscuit board and with just enough flour to handle roll out and cut with a biscuit cutter; place them one on top of another (like a sandwich) in a baking-pan; let them rise and bake in a quick oven.

* Quick oven = 375-400 degrees
** assumed cooking time: 15-20 mins
*** yes you can still get cake yeast! Can’t find it (it will be refrigerated)? Use dry yeast: One 2-oz. cake yeast is equal to three packets (¼-oz. or 2 ¼ teaspoons each) of dry yeast.

Go ahead and share with your dog, moderation of course!


Put a quarter of a pound of macaroons in a pint of milk to soak until soft. Beat four eggs with half a cupful of powdered sugar until light, and stir into the milk. Beat the whole until thick and smooth; add the juice and grated rind of two lemons. Pour into a well-buttered pudding mold; cover, and stand in a pot of boiling water to boil for one hour. Serve with lemon sauce (recipe follows). 

* the unique thing about this pudding recipe is that is uses already made macaroons, (which aren’t the coconut covered treats but instead the dainty tasty french cookies). These guys:

Macarons - Bake from Scratch
Image from

Interesting. Now if you’re bold, then make yourself up a batch of those tricky little tasty beasts (there’s a realm of letting them sit to get skins, and then baking to get perfect feet – we have not given them a try yet…). Feeling less than eager to put them together, then plop them into a pudding? Buy them. Aim for the lemon flavored ones to recreate the lemon pudding. Whole Foods does sell them, smaller bakeries might as well. 

Why banterings into vintage recipes that have nothing to do with photography and frequently little to do with dogs? History intrigues me. The 1896 cookbook is 124 years old, preserved and longer lived than the recipe givers within the pages. How the book itself survived in such stunning condition with no more than a slight discoloration on page edges and well worn cover is the curiosity. Who kept it throughout each generation, who cooked from it & added the dog ears on select pages? How did it leave the kitchen, the bookshelf and land in a large antique store in Indiana where it caught the attention of my eye? The inquisitive in me is curious. And the fascination makes me want to learn more, to share with you. 

This is about lending to you the depth that is I. Food is one of those universal things that bring us together. And heck, why not try some exotic 124 year old recipes? 

With Fridays being a fun, learn a little, banter a lot, perhaps cook something and share with your pupper, what would you like to know/learn?

This brain is available for all kinds of picking and sharing:
– photography elements
– dog breeds
– collecting Pyrex/vintage milk glass
– recipe consulting – there’s a pack & we can find the recipe!
– anything else delightful you can think up!

Respond to me at and your topic will become part of the Friday banterings!

Stay healthy, safe and enjoy that GORGEOUS MN weather while it remains!

If you need to get ahold of us (chit chat, scheduling your session, baking success or fail, etc) email: / text or call 320-428-0135 / Facebook & Instagram

Friday, fall bypassed… Read More »

Friday, the Night Before Halloween

Friday, the night before Halloween…

The creepy creatures were stirring, the scary movies nonstop, the costume creation (a vampire) in the nearly complete stage. Oh how we adore Halloween. (But not the dusting of S-N-O-W received overnight.

For this entry, we’re trying something a little different. If you’re on “le list” you’ve been getting handy dandy Friday fall color updates, some tasty recipes from 1898 and dog friendly recipes, plus assorted baubles and bits. We thought, why not extend this onto the blog for a little bit of pizzazz. (If you’re on “le list” you’ll still get the emails!). Without further babble, let the Fridays begin!

Did you know that October was Pitbull Awareness Month (Plus there’s a day too: October 26th is Pitbull Awareness Day)? Hey better to remember the end of the month…

The goal of Pitbull Awareness Month is to give people the chance to learn about the true nature of pitbull type dogs in the hopes of getting rid of years of negative stereotypes that are unfair. Being a pittie mom I can say he’s a dog.  He’s a doofus, nosy in a “the grass is greener on the other side of the fence” way, snores like an old man, tolerates being photographed, loves walks and suntanning, and is extremely particular about dogs he likes vs wants to eat their face. If you’re in his circle of people he’s happy to see you and will snuggle your warmth. He barks at squirrels, cats, people jogging, people on walks with their dogs, the mailman and delivery guys, all while sitting on the back of the couch like a 65 lb kitty cat. 

Neato peato pittie facts:

  •  Pitbull is NOT a breed – American Pitbull Terriers & American Staffordshire Terriers are! 
  • American Pitbull Terriers are recognized by the United Kennel Club (UKC), & the American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA) but NOT by the American Kennel Club! (AKC) – Staffies are!
  • Though… American Staffordshire Terriers per the AKC might just be the American Pitbull Terrier renamed!
  • They were originally bred for dog fighting, which means it isn’t unusual for some pitties to be dog selective
  • They love people, are friendly and were once called “nanny dogs” 
  • They score really high on temperament tests (a good thing!)
  • No their jaws don’t lock when they bite, and no they don’t have the strongest bite force – that award goes to Rottweilers and German Shepherds

Some famous pitties you might know: Petey from the Little Rascals, Sergeant Stubby the most decorated dog of World War I, and Grunt in the movie Flashdance.

Plus Tige of the Buster Brown comics (1904-1923, with 1906-1911 having 2 versions of Buster Brown). 

Do you own a pittie? Do you have any myths or misconceptions you’d like to share?
Don’t own a pittie? Make friends with one!

We like to bake, morso than cook. In fact later today there will be some mega tasty ginger cookies that will be created (there’s 6 sticks of butter on the counter to get to room temp).

Where do these recipes come from? Depends. The ginger cookie is a recipe from the internets. Other recipes, well they are of the analog style. Taken from the collection of 58 cookbooks, aged 1898 to 1970s, from Betty & Better Homes, to small companies, brand names, churches and handwritten bits, these recipes give a touch of tasty vintage to the kitchen. The most common looked for recipes? Cinnamon rolls, cakes & cookies. Savory? Main courses? Who cooks that? HAHAHA!

One of the favorites is the 1898 The Daily News Cook Book. It’s a calendar of meals, dated, and entries submitted by people across the country, with the whole year of meals costing you a budget of $500. ($3,135.90 in today’s inflation.)

One of our favorite things to do is find the date and share the recipe. We’ve had squab, graham muffins, and many others, tasty and odd. One unique thing about the 1898 cookbook is that is assumes you know A.) how long to cook something B.) what oven temperature you need or C. ) what a fast or slow oven is. Adds to the adventure of the recipe. 

Today in 1898, it was a Saturday. The meals submitted by Mrs. C. J. Sunde of Chicago. 

Quaker oats blanc mange
Breaded sausages
Corn muffins

Bread and butter
Baked mushrooms
Parsnip fritters
Honey cake

Stuffed braised beef, with brown sauce
Baked squash
Sweet potato salad
French dressing
Harvard pudding
Apple and hard sauce

Nothing overly exotic, though the quaker oats and the Harvard pudding are curiosities. Shall we see how we craft them?

Bring one quart sweet milk to a boil, add saltspoon salt and stir in one cupful quaker oats; cook thirty minutes. Just before removing from the fire stir in two eggs, very well beaten. Sever either hot or cold. 

* sweet milk = plain milk
**yes it’s literally Quaker Oats – high odds they are the old fashioned style (Quaker Oats was based in Chicago!)
*** saltspoon is a tiny spoon used with a salt cellar that sat on the table, it equates to roughly 1/4 teaspoon


Sift together two and one-third cups of flour, one-half cup of fine granulated sugar, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder and one-quarter of a teaspoonful of salt. Work into this with the tips of the fingers one-third of a cupful of butter. Beat one egg light, add cupful of milk and turn onto the dry ingredients. Pour the mixture into a buttered mold and steam for two hours. Do not allow the water to stop boiling for an instant. 

*Vintage pudding is much different than the classic sweet treat that involves milk & powder or peeling back the lid of a cup (butterscotch please!). Pudding can be baked or steamed, savory or sweet. This seems a bit like a biscuit, you may be able to add in a little vim and vigor with spices. Seems a steamed pudding is cooked on the stovetop in a covered pan with boiling water. Interesting…

Also, both recipes are dog friendly if you wanted to share! Remember to do treats in moderation!

Best of luck, let me know how your cooking adventure goes!

Awesome news on the Atomic Collars horizon! (Oh you didn’t know we sewed bitchin collars & scarves as Atomic Collars?)


We are introducing hoodie and crewneck sweatshirts! (There also might be jackets on the horizon!). Made from upcycled and recycled found materials, these sweatshirts are one of a kind and perfect when the weather gets chilly. Warm classic cotton up to wool and cashmeres for the warmest, coziest cold weather wear. Sized medium to large for those bigger puppers who are freeze babies when the temp drops below 60 degrees. 

Bender helped model a crewneck and a hoodie. He’s really got his haute couture “I’d rather be doing other things” model look down hahaha!

Wondering if we can do a photography session now that the weather has gone into the north pole mode? Yes we can!

Snow can make an awesome backdrop, and its fun to capture your pup romping and getting a snow covered nose! Generally classic sessions are up to an hour and half (all at your dog’s discretion) while with snow/cold weather sessions we may wrap up a little sooner, per the warmth of your dog & yourself. If we start getting super shivers 30 to 50 minutes in, we’ll make our way back to our warm cars. 

If the temperature is slated to be under 20 degrees, rescheduling will be best. If the weather turns super gnarly, in the way of a massive blizzard, we’ll reschedule for a safer driving day. Rescheduling will take place no later than 2 hours prior to your session. 

How many of you have snow loving pups?

Put on your costume, horde half the candy, and be safe if you decide to go trick or treating. Or even if you’re home handing out the candy. 

If you need to get ahold of us (chit chat, scheduling your session, baking success or fail, etc) email: / text or call 320-428-0135 / Facebook & Instagram



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