52 Week Project | Headshots

The 52 Week Project is a blog circle with a theme for every week (which means we all link to each other, links are found at the end of the post).

Headshots was the theme for the 52 Week Project and we could imagine them in any manner we wanted, from corporate level SEO of snuggling to what might be on a dating profile.

Of course I picked dating profile haha! A new blue wood backdrop was setup, a varsity looking jacket and a pair of shades as well as a pair of nerd/hipster glasses were assembled. The tasty treats were ready and at hand.

Guess who was enthused…
Seriously this dog… you’d think I was asking Bender to clean his room, do the laundry or some other mundane chore, not sit and look at the camera for a slew of tasty treats. Sigh (why he has to “die” when it comes to props, I have no idea.) The jacket and glasses were removed.

Fine, we will do “naked” images. (He posed himself…)

“Oh I see you has treats mom… is this what you wanted?”

{ Cue the dating profile questions with a quirky game show theme song }

What Iā€™m doing with my life: 
I spend my days lounging on the couch, protecting the house from rogue rabid squirrels, meddling neighborhood dogs and odd things that move in the wind

The first thing people usually notice about me:
You tell me.  What was the first thing you noticed? (oh hey girl… wink)

I spend a lot of time thinking about
How handsome I am. And when treats will be put in my mouf (I’m pretty serious about it)

On a typical Friday night I am
Snuggled under a blanket with Grandma. Don’t judge.

My self-summary
I’m a lover with adorable ears (they really are adorable even though I don’t show them in pictures). Food, walkies, and naps in the sun make me happy. I’m a laid back 60 lb doggo who has traits like a kitty cat (laying on the back of the couch to soak up sun rays, sign me up!) and a growing number of freckles. My mom spoils me, my grandma makes me rotten. 

The boys were swapped, along with the background (the blue was too clashy with lumberjack plaid red). Axle being the old pro allowed me to put the blazer on him and assumed a sit. The result, deadpan. In. Every. Image. That’s just who he is.

{ Cue the dating profile questions with a quirky game show theme song }

What Iā€™m doing with my life: 
I spend my days waiting to go outside and retrieve thrown items. I particularly like tennis balls, racquet balls, glow balls, sticks, frisbees, water bottles…

The first thing people usually notice about me:
Underbite and jowly pout. Or the toy I’m shoving in their crotch. I spend a lot of time thinking about
Outside. Playing fetch, patrolling the yard, when my swimming pools will be put back out, where my ball is, where my stick is, who is going to play with me…

On a typical Friday night I am
Napping in my crate, dreaming of chasing tennis balls and sticks
My self-summary
I’m an active, go go go type guy, playing, retrieving and swimming is my life. My manners aren’t always the best, and a I’ve got a leg that bothers me sometimes (old “war” injury haha) but it doesn’t keep me from running through all of the mud in the yard. I enjoy when Grandpa lets me out without supervision so I can play guard dog and keep an eye on the yard (no old lady will be passing without a stern talking to!).

These two… good thing they aren’t in the actual dating market haha!

Next visit Little White Dog Pet Photography – Sioux Falls, SD to see her take on headshots!


7 thoughts on “52 Week Project | Headshots”

  1. I bet you had fun making that post! Axle and Bender would do well on a dating site….lol. Grandma is a lucky woman!

  2. Kelly Middlebrooks

    OMGosh, Bender cracks me up! And, I think every photographer has a dead pan dog at some point. lol Fun post! (We need to get some girls in this dating profile group!) šŸ˜‰

  3. Bender’s photos crack me up whereas Axle reminds me of my Hunter when he’s just not in the mood to model.

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