52 Week Project | Negative Space

This week’s theme for the 52 Week Project is negative space.  Negative space in photography is: the area which surrounds the main subject in an image (the main subject is known as the “positive space”).

The weather had warmed up a smidgen (huzzah for 20s/30s!) so I leashed up Axle and headed out on a short walk to the nearby elementary school. Axle has been on many a photography outing with me, but has a lovely knack for looking everywhere except at me. Unless there is a ball or treat readily available. I did not bring one or the other, though this was on purpose as I wanted to capture his profile with the negative space (those big jowly jowls!).

We started with a good sized snow pile in the back parking lot of the school. It and the sky acted like natural white backdrops which made Axle pop and emphasized his profile and shapes.


We transitioned into using the back of the school which has some cool brick. Axle is the only dog I know who not only makes bubbles in his jowls, but can make them with his nose too!


This look…
“Look mom, you didn’t bring treats, you didn’t bring a ball, my butt is frozen. This is thrilling (insert sarcasm). Ok, fine I’ll look at you. But that’s all you get.” He makes me laugh with his grumpy old man look.

Next up visit Kelly of Kelly Garin Photography in Columbia South Carolina to see how she interpreted negative space.

8 thoughts on “52 Week Project | Negative Space”

  1. Wow, I miss snow! I really like the close up on the brown wall behind. That is really nice texture! Look at that face! Great job this week!

  2. My Bugs does the same thing especially in the park where there are so many more interesting things than me. Love the sequence in front of the brick wall!

  3. Oh, do I know the don’t-ever-look-at-the-camera-dog well. I have a few of those kiddos. There are a number of favorites here of Axle, but I think my most favorite is the one of him looking up at you from camera right. 🙂

  4. I totally understand about the grumpy old man look! When mine is tired of modeling, I get the same sarcastic stare. It seems Axle has lots of personality with those jowls and nose bubbles!

    I really like your images this week, particularly the one of Axle in the snow that’s nice and bright white.

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