Dog Photography Blog

Snow day & dogs – Minne-SNOW-ta has arrived!

Indeed, Minne-SNOW-ta has finally arrived! To those not in our neck of the woods, we haven’t had a covering snow in a long long long time. In fact, Christmas day it rained. And was brown. With balmy mid 30s to 40s temps. 

For those of us living here, it was comfortable temp wise, though a little weird to not have a white Christmas. 

With the arrival of the snow on Monday, it meant the weekly adventure to Tri County Humane Society on Tuesday would sport a lovely, crisp white floordrop for each of the assorted dogs to pose within. (Oh you didn’t know I was volunteering there weekly? Yup! I started back in August!)

First up, the energetic, bouncy, LOVES everyone… Schnapps! He’s a cattle dog mix, a year and half old and started life as an outdoor farm dog. He and his buddy found it enjoyable to chase cattle and now they are looking for new homes to settle into. Want a bouncy (he can jump up to face height!) energetic, happy dog in your life? Opt for Schnapps!

Next up, a slightly naughty, energetic 6 month old puppy Buddy! He’s a German shepherd x husky mix and brimming with puppy energy. Its thought that he may have been under socialized as a younger puppy and may have a bit of reactivity towards other dogs. With slow, positive interactions with other dogs and the world this pup will blossom into a wonderful dog. While we hung out, I noticed a bit of alarm barking at various sounds – makes me think he’s a little over watchful (akin to the German shepherd perhaps?). Otherwise he’s a wonderful bouncy and sometimes naughty puppy! Also, did I mention how AWESOME his ears are???

Following was an energetic, compact lady lab Suzie! Classic to labs I meet she LOVED treats and had a whole bundle of excited energy. This girl needs a home that will help her continue to come out of her shell, expel that excited energy in games of fetch and loads of treats & snuggles. 

Last up, the brindle beauty Konky! This lovely lady has been at TCHS quite a while, so let’s aim to get her a new home! She knows how to sit, shake hands and throughly enjoys treats. Though… she’ll pull you like a freight train to get to different places while on a leash! Also… she’s crafty. She figured out how to open the sliding door at the back of her kennel to let herself outside in the back kennel area! Another quirk you will get with this lovely lady… she SCREAMS when she whines. No barks, just a very loud whine to let you know that she would rather be walking out the door with you than staying at TCHS. (Teaching a quiet or whisper would be ideal, perhaps she’s completely different in a home setting!) She would be a wonderful companion and she’s mega cute in her brindle paint job!

And then… my camera battery died. Which meant Spike (husky mix, he’s talker and quite friendly) and Kodi (big Pyrenees) weren’t able to have their pictures updated! (Also no assorted cats either, drat!) Hopefully they aren’t at TCHS next week, but if they are, BOTH of my batteries are fully charged!

Note: all of the adoptable dogs are on leash for safety. Leashes and eye boogies have been removed to focus on each of the dogs available for adoption. 

Looking to add a new dog or cat into your family? Stop in to Tri County Humane Society (Tuesdays I’m there in the morning, you might see me!) or peruse their website for the perfect addition to your family! Yes, adoptable dogs are adorable in the snow, but they’d be much more adorable in the snow in a yard of their own!

Snow day & dogs – Minne-SNOW-ta has arrived! Read More »

Fall colors are starting & Dogs of the North Shore Book!

EEEEEEK! The fall colors are starting to shift into technicolor!

Enter in the pumpkin spice, Halloween decor… oh wait, they arrived in August bwahahahaha! (Halloween around my birthday is never a bad thing as its one of my favorite holidays! Skulls, bats and zombies, be still my heart!)

Anyhoo… fall colors and summer weather (80s!) makes for a lovely start of the fall season. Sorry I lost my train of thought a bit… haha!

Let’s talk leaf color changes: 

WOAH!!! There are already points of 25-50% PEAK COLORS around the state! And we’re only at September 20th, nearly a whole whopping month early for colors! Mid October tends to be peak season. Though as reported via WCCO, the fall colors most likely will arrive EARLY this year due to the lack of rain we got. 

It looks like the North Shore is getting started as well. 

Which means… the Dogs of the North Shore book sessions ought to have some MEGA pretty colors and wimpy waterfalls haha!

And speaking of the Dogs of the North Shore, did you know you can still book your session? (Book here) And that you will have until NEXT MONDAY, September 25th to snag your session before booking closes! That’s less than a WEEK AWAY!!!!!!!!

You need a reason to snag your session?

  • A portion of the session fee goes straight to Ruff Start Rescue! 
  • EPIC locations including nearly a bazillion waterfalls
  • Fall colors and the North Shore
  • Updated awesome portraits of your pup (you can jump in too!)
  • Did I mention EPIC locations?

Booking is easy peasy! Head here: and pick your location. Times are set for each location (Gooseberry Falls is in the morning, Palisade Head is in the evening etc) so pick your location and you’ll automatically get a time. Ta-dah!

** Also note: you can book a Digital Dog Session or Puppy Series session via the link as well. Pick them if you want a full sized mega awesome session with your dog. Great for updated family portraits and holiday greeting cards! 

PSSST! If you can’t make the September 29th – October 1st times, let me know and we’ll do some mega secret planning! 

Get out enjoy those fall colors with your pup! 

Fall colors are starting & Dogs of the North Shore Book! Read More »

Prepping for fall & fall colors!

Happy first day of September! Let fall & autumn things be unleashed! (Technically fall doesn’t arrive until September 23rd and ends December 21st… so September is technically summer! Haha!). We need to start talking fall colors even though temps are going to be touching into the 90s this week!

Peak fall colors will prospectively land late September way up north, early October for the middle of the state and mid October for the southern part of the state. Due to really dry conditions this summer, the trees may begin to peak colors EARLIER! I’ll be checking the fall color report weekly and letting you know as the colors begin to move into full peak color. 

And since we’re talking fall colors, we should talk sessions as well!

The week of September 4th – 8th I will be in Las Vegas for Shutterhound! It is slated to be a mega cool conference made by and for dog photographers. Some of those really well known names in dog photography will be there handing out loads of knowledge. If you want to swing out to Vegas, I do have a little time on two of the evenings haha! (Or if you know anyone out in the area who would love to have classic, playful and vibrant portraits of their pup, point me their direction!)

The end of September marks the… Dogs of the North Shore Book! EEEEEEEEEEK! I’m mega excited for this project! We will be traipsing the North Shore of Minnesota from Duluth to Grand Marias from September 29th to October 1st. Dogs and waterfalls? What could be more EPIC? Probably the whole scenic area of the North Shore haha! If you want to participate pop over to the online scheduler and snag your time and location!  PLUS… a portion of the proceeds from each session and any additional sales will be donated to Ruff Start Rescue! AWESOME!!!

After the Dogs of the North Shore book sessions we move into October. There are ONLY 9 sessions available during weekdays during the times of leaves in lovely color.  As for weekends? There is only ONE weekend session available – Saturday October 7th. Snag it fast!

Not sure you can swing a weekday session? Each weekday session will start around 5 pm which means you won’t miss too much work (or take the day off to hang with your pup).  These sessions are super popular and will be snagged quickly. Book your session using this link: Booking Calendar.

Special dates:

  • October 14th will be HALLOWEEN Teenie Weenie Sessions. Location is TBD. Each session is 10 minutes and includes one digital image. A great way to capture your dog in an epic costume – or even the whole family!

  • October 15th will be Short & Sweet Sessions. Location TBD, most likely in the Twin Cities area. Each session is 20 minutes, 2 digital images. This is a perfect session for updated family portraits or epic holiday card images. 

Whew! What a cluster of information!

Dates to note:

  • September 29th – Oct 1st = Dogs of the North Shore Book Sessions
  • ONE October weekend session = October 7th, otherwise pick from 9 weekday sessions during fall colors
  • October 14th = Halloween Teenie Weenie Sessions
  • October 15th = Short & Sweet Sessions
  • Fall colors = early October into mid October, pending trees

In the coming months there will be fall color reports, tasty treats for Thanksgiving as well as tips for making the feast great with an older puppy, special edition holiday sessions, order by dates for prints & wall art to get them in time for Christmas (these make great gifts btw!), holiday tips to employ with an older puppy or eternal pup and possibly some pictures of Blue. 

Enjoy your first day of September and happy back to school!

Prepping for fall & fall colors! Read More »

How to have a cool dog this summer!

It’s really easy to have a cool dog this summer – especially since we’ve landed in a hot hot humid hot week that reminds us that summer is for lazing about. 

  • First step, AC. Air conditioning. 
    Hot & humid days are rough on us, but they are also rather rough on your pup. Imagine being wrapped in your Great Aunt Val’s floor length fur coat and jogging around the yard. That’s what your dog does on the daily. The thicker your dog’s coat, the more easily your dog can overheat. So crank the AC and lounge indoors with your dog.
  • Early ass morning walks and late evening strolls. 
    The middle of the day from noonish to roughly four pm is going to the blazing hottest due to that lovely overhead sun. Asphalt & blacktop is going to be nearly hot enough to cook eggs (surface temp needs to be 158 degrees to cook an egg). In a 95 degree air temp day in full sun asphalt & blacktop can be a blistering 155 degrees. Concrete in full sun lands you at 140 degrees for the same air temp. Dirt & sand can be rather warm too, mid 90s air temps can push dirt & sand into the 100s for surface temp. Grass can get warm especially in full sun, but shouldn’t be as blazing hot as asphalt, blacktop and concrete.  If you need to walk in the middle of the day, see if you can find a grassy park to stroll in (bonus: loads of sniffs).  Otherwise with the ass crack of day for a morning stroll and/or head out for your steps into the darkening evening as the temp drops. 

    FYI: A surface temp of 125 degrees can burn your pup’s feet within 60 seconds. That’s an air temp in the 70s…
  • Hark back to childhood with sprinklers, hoses and pools
    Hook up the sprinkler and encourage your pup to dash through it. Bonus: you’ll water your dry yard in the process too! If your dog isn’t a fan of the sprinkler, try the hose. Blue is a fan of chasing the water from the hose and biting it. Great for keeping him cool, pain in the ass when trying to water the garden haha! Not every dog is a fan of the hose either, make sure if you chase them with it it’s not a stressful scary event. If sprinkler & hose are out, break out the kiddie pool. Solid plastic pools are the best as they thwart dog nails, collapsible dog friendly pools are another good option, though sharp pup nails can damage them. Put in a little water and encourage your pup in to cool off. For those hesitant, use treats and toss toys they have to retrieve from the middle of the pool. Or step into the water yourself and your pup may follow too! For those who are water lovers, toss in toys that sink and float, ice cubes or treats to make the water even more fun. Otherwise sit back and giggle as your dog swims and splashes laps around the pool. 
  • Bucket of ice block
    Literally a bucket of water frozen. Ice cream buckets (we know you have a few on hand, we’re not judging) work wonderfully for this cool toy for your dog. Fill the bucket with a smidge of water, freeze. Next layer add snacks such as peanut butter, carrots, blueberries, or watermelon and add more water to cover the snacks. Freeze and repeat until the level of ice meets the rim of the bucket. Thaw slightly for easy removal, plop it in the yard and let your dog lick and chomp his way to all of the tasty bits! You can add chicken stock to the water for even more enticement. 

  • Look cool with Atomic Collars
    Make sure your dog not only stays cool but looks cool this summer. Atomic Collars (made by me – Cahlean!) are MEGA cool dog collars featuring funky and unique materials and patterns. Big collars, teenie collars and everything between. 

These are great ways to keep your dog cool (and looking cool) this summer! Blue & I really love spending our time in the AC with this gnarly heat this week. 

And a quick midsummer update: 

  • TONS of gardening, weeding, watering and encouraging growth –  mostly the entire month of June
  • A trip to Michigan with mom at the end of June – huzzah for road trips and antiquing
  • Blue turned ONE the end of June! EEEEEEK! He’s halfway to adult! His weight? 112 lbs as of this morning! (His dad is 130 lbs!)
  • Starting next Tuesday I will be partnering & volunteering with Tri County Humane Society to do updated pictures of adoptable dogs! Stay tuned for blog posts about each dog & cat I photograph and let’s help them find new homes!

EEEEEEEEEK! He’s not a baby any more! Look how Blue has grown! (BTW, this is a good reason why you need professional puppy pictures! Your puppy will never be small and squishy again!)

How to have a cool dog this summer! Read More »

Why do doodles have hairy faces?

What makes a doodle’s face so hairy? Furnishings!

And as for doodle, it is a blanket term for mixed breed dogs with a percentage of poodle ancestry from 50% to a slim less than 25%, pending generation. And yes doodle lovers, they are mixed breed as they don’t breed true – poodle x lab doesn’t always produce the same result!

The common doodles:

  • Labradoodle / poodle x lab
  • Goldendoodle / poodle x golden retriever
  • Cockapoo / poodle x cocker spaniel
  • Aussiepoo / poodle x Australian shepherd 
  • Bernadoodle / poodle x Bernese Mountain Dog
  • Cavapoo / poodle x Cavalier King Charles
  • Sheepadoodle / poodle x Old English Sheepdog
  • Yorkipoo / poodle x yorkie

Of course there are variables of nearly every dog breed crossed with poodles to create “hypoallergenic” dogs. (Hypoallergenic dogs is a whole other conversation!)

Now what does the poodle aspect of doodles lend to appearance? Furnishings!

Furnishings are the extra long hair that can be found in eyebrows, mustaches and beards of various dog breeds, poodles included. The gene that causes them, RSPO2, is a dominant gene. Which means any parent dog with furnishings will automatically pass the furnishings gene down to its offspring. Thus, any dog with poodle ancestry will always have furnishings. 

Are poodles the only dogs that have furnishings? Nope! These breeds all carry the furnishings gene:

  • Airedale Terrier
  • Australian Terrier
  • Bearded Collie
  • Bichon Frise
  • Black Russian Terrier
  • Border Terrier
  • Bouvier Des Flandres
  • Briard
  • Brussels Griffon
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Chinese Crested
  • Dachshund (Wire-haired)
  • Dandie Dinmont Terrier
  • Fox Terrier (Wire-haired)
  • German Wirehaired Pointer
  • Glen of Imaal Terrier
  • Havanese
  • Irish Terrier
  • Irish Wolfhound
  • Jack Russell Terrier (and related breeds)
  • Kerry Blue Terrier
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Maltese
  • Norfolk Terrier
  • Old English Sheepdog
  • Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
  • Portuguese Water Dog
  • Schnauzer (all varieties)
  • Scottish Deerhound
  • Shih Tzu
  • Silky Terrier
  • Skye Terrier
  • Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
  • Spinone Italiano
  • Welsh Terrier
  • West Highland White Terrier
  • Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
  • Yorkshire Terrier,

The above isn’t a complete list, merely more commonly owned dog breeds that have furnishings. 

Where in the domestication history did wire hair, curly hair and furnishings begin?

Not from aliens but more likely from a mutation in a dog’s genes that created the eyebrow hair, mustaches and wiry coat. And with a dominant gene, you only need one copy for the offspring to have the attributes. Original dog ancestors and ancestor wolves carried a double coat, with variation in thickness due to geographically location – thicker the farther into the Arctic they moved and smoother and thinner the more seasonal the temperatures.

To get from the double coat to a wiry coat is a genetic mutation. These frequently show up when inbreeding occurs. Mom & son, dad & daughter, siblings, grandparents, dogs don’t keep track of how they’re related to one another. Female in heat? Every male in the area is going to take advantage of spreading his genetic code. Inbreeding occurs.  From this, variations in coat length and texture started to occur.  (Did you know that short hair is dominant over long hair in dogs?)

And not only did dogs not keep track of who was related to who, humans too didn’t take that into account until they moved away from their nomadic ways. Even then, only the upper crust of nobility could have the best dogs of a type being bred with another best dog of the same or similar type. Ancient farm dogs, town dogs and hunting dogs would have been less regulated, excepting when one farmer to another proposed a union of a good herder with a good watchdog, coat & color aside. 

  • Ancient Egyptians had two different types of domesticated canines: iwiw for “barking dog” and tesem for “barkless dog,” or hunting hounds. Within those two types there were roughly 7 different kinds of dogs noted in various hieroglyphs. Many are shown with upright ears, narrow noses & thin curled tails or as hound types with drop ears and feathering on their tails. [3100 BC – 332 BC.]
  • The Greeks had 4 types of dogs: The Laconian (greyhound type) and Molossian (mastiff type) the Cretan (hunting dog, perhaps a mix of Laconian & Molassian). and the Melitan from Malta (Small lap dog with long hair type – Maltese!) [Ancient Greece 700 – 480 BC. ]
  • The Romans had 5 different types of dog: watchdoghuntingluxury(peace), fighting and herding.  [From 625 BC to 476 AD, in 3 separate ages]
  • A Celtic hound called a Vertragus (deerhound or greyhound type?). Known to be fast & a skillful hunter. [Celtic age was 600 BC to 43 AD.]

After the fall of Rome, developing different types and breeds of dogs continued. Greyhound types and mastiffs were still common, as were the hounds and hunting type dogs in various sizes and abilities (some smaller & slower, others larger & faster) and lap dogs, the smaller the cuter, living lux lives with royal ladies. Small stocky working man’s type dogs became turnspit dogs – they would run in a caged wheel that would turn the spit for evenly roasting a hunk of meat.

As time moved from the Middle Ages into the Renaissance even more types and breeds of dogs came into being (Alaunt, basset, beagle, harrier, Irish wolfhound, Levrier / greyhound, Lymer / Bloodhound, spaniels, Barbet, and terriers.)

History moved forward and created more specialized dogs for more specialized jobs, especially for hunting. Early 19th century (1800s) began the start of dog shows in England, with hounds being the first dogs shown and pugs in 1850 (though it turned into more of a social event than show). The first recognized dog show was in June of 1859 featuring pointers & setters with the first American dog show arriving in 1874, also featuring pointers & setters. In 1877 the first Westminster show was held, though it was originally called “The First Annual N.Y. Bench Show.” By 1884 a group of gentlemen fanciers created a national organization to rule the sport of dog shows – this group would become the American Kennel Club. 

The Victorians adopted dog shows with great vigor after the first show in 1877, men & women alike. A large percentage of the dog breeds we know today were “tightened up” in the late 1800s and early 1900s and fashioned into many modern breeds. Extensive rebuilding of breeds had to occur after each of the World Wars, formally landing us to the dog breeds of our modern age. Whew!

Ok, a bit of a ramble, but man do I love history!

Back to furnishings! Where might they have come from aside from a random perchance?

  • Greyhound type – nope unless deerhound & wolfhound are considered part of the type, then yes
  • Mastiffs – nope
  • Maltese – YES!

How about some other very old, if not ancient breeds? (Hint, these dogs all have furnishings!)

  • Tibetan Terrier – roughly 2,000 years old
  • Irish Wolfhound – 1,000+ years old
  • Barbet – descended from the ancient canis aquaticus, progenitor of the poodle & many pointing breeds
  • Pyrenean Sheepdog – centuries old if not the oldest French sheepdogs – YES to both versions! 
  • Picard – known since the Middle Ages, widespread in northern France
  • Catalan Sheepdog – possibly migrated with cowherders into Spain 
  • Bergamasco – roughly 2,000 years old – technically it has furnishings, though the coat is corded like the Komondor (1,000+ years old)
  •  Bearded Collie – popular in Scotland by the time of the Roman invasion
  • Old English Sheepdog – rather old…
  • Schnauzer – originates from medieval Biberhund & two old & wide spread indigenous types of dogs – rough haired companions of waggoners & ratters
  • Wiredhaired Fox Terrier – earlier than 55 B.C (modern breed has been improved on)
  • Otterhound – first known in 1212
  • Irish Terrier – approx 2,000 years old
  • Italian Hound rough haired variation – ancient, cross of Egyptian racing hound & Roman molossus, it’s golden age occurred during the Renaissance period
  • Griffon Fauve De Breyagne – known in the Middle Ages
  • Spinone Italiano – known since the 15th century
  • Bolognese – known since the 13th century
  • Bichon Frise – developed in the 15th century
  • Shih-tzu – dating from the 6th century
  • Deerhound – oldest breed of the British Isles, earliest notation is 9th century
  • Spanish Greyhound, wire hair variation – ancient lineage
  • Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier – believed to be the oldest terrier breed in Ireland

And how many of those breeds do you know? All of them? Hahaha! Thank you dog breed books (Guide to the Dogs of the World 1983 & Simon & Schuster’s Guide to Dogs 1980) for all of those furnished breeds, known & obscure! (Did you know I borrow & read dog breed books from the library when I was in grade school? True fact!)

The genetics of furnishings!

As a rule, a dog with furnishings will always pass the furnishings down to its offspring, regardless if the other parent is furnished or not.  Pretty straight forward until we get into multiple generations with non furnished parents. 
To explain we’ll use a poodle and a lab. The poodle is F/F (which means furnished), while the lab is “improper coat” – for simplicity we will use N/N as none. 
Poodle x Lab = 3 puppies! Yay!
Each puppy is F/N which means each puppy is furnished! This will continue as long as the lab & the poodle produce puppies. 
One of those doodle (F/N) puppies is bred to another poodle (F/F).
The puppies will be furnished either F/N or F/F.
A different doodle puppy (F/N) is bred to a lab (N/N).
Up to 50% of the puppies with be unfurnished! You can get F/N & N/N puppies!
Doodle puppy #3 (F/N) is bred to a different doodle (F/N)
Up to 25% of the puppies will be unfurnished! You can get F/F, F/N & N/N puppies!
Due to the variable of doodle x doodle potentially producing up to 3 different varieties pending parents each litter means that they don’t breed true. Which means they aren’t considered a breed. 
And… the Foundation Stock Service (FSS) created by the AKC to allow aspiring AKC breeds to maintain a studbook and compete in events such as agility, obedience, rally & tracking, states that to protect breeds that are already AKC recognized, they do not accept any dogs that result from crossing two AKC registrable breeds.
Which means doodles of all types are out. The poodle, in all 3 sizes, was recognized in 1887 by the AKC. The Labrador in 1917, Golden Retriever in 1925, Bernese Mountain Dog in 1937, Australian Shepherd in 1991 and so on and so forth for each dog that is combined with a poodle to create a doodle type dog. 
Sorry doodles,  you’re just mixed pups with teddy bear looks!

A long read for sure, but now you know why doodles have hairy faces!

Oh and if you were curious:

  • curly hair is dominate, straight hair recessive 
  • short hair is dominate, long hair recessive

Why do doodles have hairy faces? Read More »

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