Another fall color update!
Whoosh! Those fall colors are in full swing! The early memo tree is pert near naked, while all the others are celebrating in their best colors. From Paynesville to St. Cloud the colors are yellows and oranges, with the streets of Richmond sporting some bold reds too!
I don’t see the color in the morning (6:30 am and its pretty darn dark out still) so it’s delightful to drive home and see the difference a day makes for fall colors. Tuesday evening the colors were rather charming. I may have to bring out Blue for some epic fall puppy pictures!
BAM! Here’s today’s color map:

The northern part of the state is in FULL COLOR with a couple of touches of past peak (typically brown or leaves have dropped). If you didn’t get out last weekend, make some plans for this weekend. The temps should be autumn-like in the 60s. Perfect weather for all types of pups to enjoy a hike or stroll in the fall colors.
Really random that St. Cloud is in a low percent, typically that “island” of slow peak color occurs around Minneapolis & St. Paul. Gives Blue, I and the rest of St. Cloud a little extra time to enjoy the fall colors!
We’ve had a busy week and managed to pull off a garage sale yesterday – and hardly lost items to the grips of the breeze! Not a ton of sales, but there were plenty of things that found new homes and a bulk of items that got dropped off at Goodwill as it was their time to be set free.
I’m wearing ample orange and Halloween stuff as it is October and I rather enjoy Halloween. Additionally I’ve been doing some slightly obsessive research into the history of Halloween via very old newspapers. 1800s it was a time of charms & attempts to conjure up … one’s lover. Indeed!
Halloween was a celebration of the harvest and a time when witches, goblins and the like strolled the streets while apples and nuts (esp chestnuts) were ways to foretell of a future lover to be. The charms started to transition out of favor in the 1880s, while parties tended to be the in thing (taffy pulling parties were really common!). Young boys were tricksters – unhinging gates, pulling doorbells, relocating everything that was movable while raiding gardens for cabbage to throw at doors. No mention of the classic trick or treating, though I’m only to 1888.
Classic trick or treating could have been running the background as many of the old newspapers merely reference the history of Halloween or the trickery that had been performed about the city. More notions of parties in the papers started to show up around 1885 (the layouts of the newspapers started to change as well – many more advertisements started to occupy the space around articles.)
Its really cool that these newspapers have been archived for anyone to look & read through. If you’d like to gander: you can search any term you’d like or just read about what happened 100 years ago!
Blue is continuing to grow & get smarter. He’s at least 24 lbs (per the last vet visit) and a whopping 14.5 weeks! He doesn’t settle well when he’s tired, but he naps like a pro in his crate. Biting is starting to lessen and it can be redirected quickly with me, though I think he still is a bit too heavy on the landshark role with Kris.
Puppy classes are continuing to see Blue blossom! His main goal still is to eat all the treats tossed on the floor BEFORE he engages with any of the other puppies haha! He did start to engage in play with a few of the puppies, I think he does better in a 1 on 1 play session vs having the group pursue him.

We’re embracing the lovely temps & colors of the fall and looking forward to Halloween! If you can, visit one of the parks in your area or take a day trip to soak in all the fall colors this weekend.
Another fall color update! Read More »