52 Week Project | Side light & front light

This week’s theme was front light and side light. (Yes they mean exactly what you think!). Windows are a wonderful source for lighting that can be used as side lighting as well as front. My parent’s cats were volunteered as models for this theme. 2 year old Lilly (tabby & white) is a ham with a camera, while year old Tootsie (grey & white) was easy to entertain with a toy on my camera and head.

Head over to Pet Love Photography, serving Greater Cincinnati and the San Francisco Bay Area and see her take on front light and side light!

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Tossback: Blaze | Ithaca NY

The 2nd trip in 2014 to lovely Ithaca New York for some hands on mentoring with Diane of Muddy Pup Photography.  Diane and I had met during our Hair of the Dog retreat in February of that year and clicked as friends. When she asked me to come out for a hands on mentoring and business building trip, how could I say no? Plus it gave me a reason to see her new house as well as the wonderful Miss Izze again! (Keep an eye out for her pictures in a different post!)

Diane wrangled up a wonderful model for us to photograph, a stunning boxer named Blaze. She was a wonderful model! And adorable with that pouty boxer face!

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52 Week Project: Horizon

Horizon was the theme for this week’s 52 week project. It encouraged us to look at different horizon placements, and even though they may not be technical & correct, to use them in a manner that best fits the images to portray the story we are looking to tell.

Axle was my model, and we traipsed just out of Paynesville to a field of tall yellow flowers. Always eager to work for a ball, Axle was off and bounding through the grasses and flowers, at times only the tip of his tail visible as he searched for the ball.

Below is the same picture, cropped to change where the horizon line is. Which do you like better?

Next up, stop over to Pet Love Photography, serving Greater Cincinnati and the San Francisco Bay Area and see her use of horizons.

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Tossback: Luna | Brainerd MN

(Curious about all of the tossback / throwback posts? There was a spiffy website platform change & major update.
The older posts did not make the transition. Luckily they are too awesome not to re-share!)

Fall had landed on Minnesota, crisp and colorful. October 2013. A stunning Australian Cattle Dog named Luna met me at a small park in Brainerd for her session. She was spry and fast (nearly got that sneaky squirrel) plus had a stellar sit and stay.

Tossback: Luna | Brainerd MN Read More »

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